Avoid Global Warming - Paint the Roofs and Roads White

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When I read the original article the first thought that came to mind was "it's a great think globally, act locally" idea, even if the outcome is uncertain.
To some degree, I can agree with you. However, when you place it in the mix of other things that fit the mold (e.g. recycling), it doesn't work because people exhibit inherent inertia when adopting to something new without a REQUIREMENT .. something that is akin (pun intended) to Akin's Law No. 13: Design is based on requirements. There's no justification for designing something one bit "better" than the requirements dictate.

By adding the element of uncertainty to the outcome, one only makes this notion less palatable.

Now, to take this discussion one step further, if you entertain ChucktownPE's response, a person whom I consider reasonably intelligent for the purposes of the illustration, he has offered an emphatic NO - that's what I mean by the lack of implementability.


To some degree, I can agree with you. However, when you place it in the mix of other things that fit the mold (e.g. recycling), it doesn't work because people exhibit inherent inertia when adopting to something new without a REQUIREMENT .. something that is akin (pun intended) to Akin's Law No. 13: Design is based on requirements. There's no justification for designing something one bit "better" than the requirements dictate.
By adding the element of uncertainty to the outcome, one only makes this notion less palatable.

Now, to take this discussion one step further, if you entertain ChucktownPE's response, a person whom I consider reasonably intelligent for the purposes of the illustration, he has offered an emphatic NO - that's what I mean by the lack of implementability.

What about LEED? Can one of our resident LEED AP's answer if there's a LEED credit for white roofs? :)

Can't we just paint all the solar panels and windmills white? Or how about Obama and his cabinet's heads! Just think of all the hot air dispersed from that!

I wonder just how low the global temperatures can sink when we're all driving white Government Motors vehicles in our garages with white roofs.

Seriously, he actually makes a good point about white roofs, espeacially in commercial buildings, whose HVAC load is mainly cooling.

When I replace my driveway, I am going to use concrete, since it will be much cooler than the current black pavement.

Ever notice in the winter, it is always colder when there is a snow pack? It is because the light is being reflected and not absorbed and converted into thermal energy.

^woah! who's buying sex toys from china!?! I would be worried about lead paint... or whatever the hell they put in the walmart flip flops....

Can't we just paint all the solar panels and windmills white? Or how about Obama and his cabinet's heads! Just think of all the hot air dispersed from that!
Did you just suggest we paint Obama white?

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^woah! who's buying sex toys from china!?! I would be worried about lead paint... or whatever the hell they put in the walmart flip flops....

Did you just suggest we paint Obama white?

Right along with his entire cabinet. Only their heads, though. With an environmentally friendly paint, of course.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........wait.........hahahahahahahahaha....so where does the Obama administration think all this paint will be produced considering they are putting a cap on emissions on industry...who is going to produce all the paint when the plants can't fire up their systems because they are producing CO2. The people in charge are crazy as hell and just keep feeding this bs to the general public. Absolutely unreal.

I think you get +1 for just agreeing with Wolverine ....

++1 for the URLS ... too funny!! :laugh:

A serious question:

Do you believe that if scientists/engineers can successfully implement the sun screen and bring global temperatures down that the purported crises will be averted?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........wait.........hahahahahahahahaha....so where does the Obama administration think all this paint will be produced considering they are putting a cap on emissions on industry...who is going to produce all the paint when the plants can't fire up their systems because they are producing CO2. The people in charge are crazy as hell and just keep feeding this bs to the general public. Absolutely unreal.
And keep laughing ... that's what we like ... keeping it funny!!! :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:


I'm going to stop by and purchase 500 gallons of white paint on my way home. I think everyone should do the same. Make a run before everyone buys it up.

Seriously though, In my 400,000 sq ft. plant, the cost of cooling is about 3X the cost of warming in the winter. We have a lot of other heat sources in the plant. Not a lot of "cooling" sources in the plant. So, I could see for industry the benefit of white roofs. When you start moving outside and discussing heating up the air and ambient conditions in an open air space... I get a little lost on how effective it would be and what impact you would have whatsoever. White pavement? I have a difficult time doing the energy summation equation on the real impact for that one. It might make it a little more comfortable for people to walk from the parkinglot into the air conditioned WalMart where they buy all the unnecessary Made in China Dispensible crap that we fill out lives with. Similar discussion to the hybrid car and batteries, or electric car and coal fire power plants to power the cars. When you add up the benefits, someone must have forgot to carry the one.

We've been painting our roofs white out here in the tropics "since ever since" to save energy costs (cuts down the aircon usage). It was one of the key things I did when I renovated our house 6 years ago - I purchased $1000 of white elastomeric roof coating. It was pretty much a standard contractor line item. Everyone does it - it's common sense.

We've been painting our roofs white out here in the tropics "since ever since" to save energy costs (cuts down the aircon usage). It was one of the key things I did when I renovated our house 6 years ago - I purchased $1000 of white elastomeric roof coating. It was pretty much a standard contractor line item. Everyone does it - it's common sense.
Wait... so it's not idiotic?!? Someone better tell Chuck.

Weighing in again:

The point I want to make is not whether white or black or gray is more efficient as a roof coating (I personally reshingled with gray), but instead that this kind of nonsense put forth as science, saving the planet from the Global Warming Apocolypse, is pure whitewashed CRAP!

It doesn't mathematically make sense. You can't outconserve your growth rate.

For example: if there was an immediate, across the board 10% reduction in U.S. energy usage due to conservation (an outrageously optimistic number), in three years, growth would eclipse the conservation yielding nothing but a 3-year delay in increase. So you would have to conserve 10% more to gain another 3 years... but you can't keep cutting 10%, unless of course you want to cancel growth. Is anybody in favor of recession? And that's ignores the growth in China, India, and South America.

I believe in being a good steward of the planet and trying to minimize impact, but if the Adults In Charge are promoting white paint as a cure for Global Warming, they are MORONS - arrogant, self-important, Ivory-Tower dwelling morons, with no idea how absolutely big the planet is and how absolutely small we are. The man-made square footage of impervious surface on the planet is a postage stamp on a football field. What percentage of that postage stamp can you paint white to change the temperature of the football field by one degree?

Maybe they're not morons and know exactly what they're doing. That makes them scam artists. I'll accept that explanation as well.
