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However...the women of this site are making a babes of engineering calendar. Or so I've heard.

This is a weird coincidence. You know how those off the wall thoughts go through your mind every now and then. The other day I went through the thought process of what I would look for in a wife if (God forbid) Mrs. Badal ever passed away. At the very top of the list was "Can she cook like the old Mrs. Badal?". I've got it pretty awsome. My wife takes care of the cooking, while me and the (three) boys take care of putting it away. I am pretty sure I could never get it again as good as I do now. Thank God for small miracles.

On a separate but semi related note....JR, where are you finding these single ladies? I have no idea where to find single decent guys.

It all depends on what you want to do. I see you have qualified you are looking for decent guys .... it is generally tough to find decent people these days to be honest with you. I liken it to peeling an onion .... it almost seems like an infinite number of layers that you have to get through. Patience and perserverance.

For me, I don't actually have to be dating someone - I would be just as happy getting out with someone to do activities. I think it is easy to fall into lots of traps if you aren't careful about being clear and honest with yourself about who/why you want to go out with a particular person.

JR is a chick magnet, always has been. I'm jealous as hell.
LOL!! I am like the little lost puppy .... there is something generally adorable about it.

My point was, who cares if your criteria are "sexist"? People shouldn't be judged for their dating preferences - it's not like you have control over what you're attracted to. A guy I liked told me he would never date me because he didn't like girls of my race. No fault of his, so I moved on but we're still buddies. I refused to date any guys who didn't have more earning potential than me, which I knew was sexist but not something I could force myself to get past.

I'm reading this thread for the first time today and it's been pretty entertaining. Props to JR for reviving it so the noobs can experience it anew!
No problem! Lots of good threads out there like this one. :)

With or without walnuts?

Most of the girls I went to college with were from the former Eastern Bloc; let's just say East German Olympic Teamish.

I prefer the female cookies. no nuts.

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Granted I went to Texas, and we all know that Austin is the land of beautiful women. But we had quite a few stunning young ladies in the ChemE Department.

Most of the girls in UT engineering were not trolls. You see, the girls at Texas were smart...If you did didn't go to the engineering buildings you didn't have a chance at getting a husband with a good degree...

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"help keep austin weird" haha. dont think they need any help!

every woman is beautiful in his or her own way. haha!

Granted I went to Texas, and we all know that Austin is the land of beautiful women. But we had quite a few stunning young ladies in the ChemE Department.

On a side note: In my opinion the guys were cuter in TX than I've seen thus far in MI. There also appeared to be a larger community of young people. (DFW area)


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