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I am reviving this one ....

Dear ladies of EB,

Now that I am back on the dating scene, one of my criteria that I feel is important is that she can cook very well. Not creating any other expectation other than when she does cook, it is good.

Does this seem unreaonsable or unduly sexists? I am complimented on my cooking often, so I guess I would look for the same in a potential date.


In search of GREAT food

I don't see how that's sexist. If being a talented cook makes a woman more attractive to you, I think it's reasonable to have that as a selection criterion.

Refusing to date someone who isn't a woman, now THAT is sexist. ;)

I think that as long as you are not expecting a gourmet meal each and every night.

It would be sexist for you to say to a woman who wants to work outside of the home that she can't because you expect your laundry done and a 6 course meal on the table each and every night. It would probably be a bad thing to expect those things even if she did work out of the home.

Food and Cooking could be a common interest, and it's good to have a mate that you have common interests with... but if you find the perfect woman in all other aspects, and she can't cook... would that be a deal breaker?

Refusing to date someone who isn't a woman, now THAT is sexist. ;)
I think that's also know as :f_115m_e45d7af: . Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I'm with EG on this one - I love to cook, and love to try new kinds of food and recipes. I appreciate a woman who also has that in common with me. I'm not interested in a diet of Hamburger Helper and Kraft Dinner every night. This was one of the things I like about my ex. I cooked savory food well, she was a dessert champ. Teaming up in the kitchen is fun to me, especially once you've done so enough time where you can anticipate the other's move.

Plus chicks love a dude than can cook.

And ones that use pics of his dog squeezing a teddy bear as his av. Sometimes it takes a canine to get a bit of the feline.

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I cook diner maybe once a week. I tend to make things if we are using the oven and mr snick if it is the grill. Cooking can be a great togeher thing but if you are expecting diner to be cooked for you everynight you will be sad and alone...just saying. Evening when I was on maternity leave and home I didn't make diner.

If you just want her to at lease know how to cook I dont think that is bad. Mr snicks best friend and his wife, neither can cook ANYTHING....they burn pasta.

We both alternate doing the grocery shopping. Whomever does the shopping basically does the cooking. We both like it so it works out well. :)

^ this. I used to cook a lot more before studying for the PE and then moving. Need to get back at it. I always feel better about myself when I make something for dinner rather than eat out or eat something cheap. I wish I had someone to cook for me sometimes tho.

Cooking for one sucks.

It's more of a chore necessary to do rather than something enjoyable.
Yup. I usually only cook big meals that are easily reheatable. Otherwise, I'll just make sammiches or some other single-serving meal. I do cook for family, friends and neighbors on occasion, but not enough to keep my skills sharp.

It's tougher in the summertime to cook a giant batch of chili or ziti or stuff that makes lots of leftovers though. I've got AC, but I hate slaving over the stove in August.

I'm big on chef's salad. Quick, easy, cheap, and no cooking involved.

I don't see how that's sexist. If being a talented cook makes a woman more attractive to you, I think it's reasonable to have that as a selection criterion.
Yes, yes it does. :)

Refusing to date someone who isn't a woman, now THAT is sexist. ;)
Ouch ...

I think that as long as you are not expecting a gourmet meal each and every night.
Absolutely not ... and not even to cook every night. I think they just should be able to cook. The ex Mrs. JR #2 wasn't such a good cook. Despite some of the other problems, I think her lack of culinary skill led to some of our problems. Not directly ... but indirectly ....

Food and Cooking could be a common interest, and it's good to have a mate that you have common interests with... but if you find the perfect woman in all other aspects, and she can't cook... would that be a deal breaker?
I see this as a common interest to help build a relationship but certainly not an absolute dealbreaker. It just seems almost like a good screening measure ...

Plus chicks love a dude than can cook.

And ones that use pics of his dog squeezing a teddy bear as his av. Sometimes it takes a canine to get a bit of the feline.
I will have to remember that ...

Cooking can be a great togeher thing but if you are expecting diner to be cooked for you everynight you will be sad and alone...just saying. Evening when I was on maternity leave and home I didn't make diner.
My only real expectation is that if you are going to cook .... it should be good so the potential date doesn't have to feel sheepish about offering a bad meal or I should feel obliged to say, um yeah, not so much.

We both alternate doing the grocery shopping. Whomever does the shopping basically does the cooking. We both like it so it works out well. :)
I think you are accelerating things on me just a little bit there buddy! Still dating ... :p

^ this. I used to cook a lot more before studying for the PE and then moving. Need to get back at it. I always feel better about myself when I make something for dinner rather than eat out or eat something cheap. I wish I had someone to cook for me sometimes tho.
I really got out of routinely cooking when I got married and then my wife just got lazy and wanted to eat out all of the time. So, I am forcing myself back into cooking ... I mostly like poultry, fish, and seafood but still have some lean beef occasionally. After all, it is Michigan, right?!

I motivate myself with cooking if I know it is going to come out okay. :)

Yup. I usually only cook big meals that are easily reheatable. Otherwise, I'll just make sammiches or some other single-serving meal. I do cook for family, friends and neighbors on occasion, but not enough to keep my skills sharp.
I have never handled eating the same thing for more than two nights in a row very well. I have really tried, but it doesn't work for me.

Refusing to date someone who isn't a woman, now THAT is sexist. ;)
Ouch ...
My point was, who cares if your criteria are "sexist"? People shouldn't be judged for their dating preferences - it's not like you have control over what you're attracted to. A guy I liked told me he would never date me because he didn't like girls of my race. No fault of his, so I moved on but we're still buddies. I refused to date any guys who didn't have more earning potential than me, which I knew was sexist but not something I could force myself to get past.

I'm reading this thread for the first time today and it's been pretty entertaining. Props to JR for reviving it so the noobs can experience it anew!

I wish I had someone to cook for me sometimes tho.
if we ever won the lottery, hiring a personal chef to cook diner during the week is the first thing we would do....kind of sad that we both came to this idea first of all the things we could do.

On a separate but semi related note....JR, where are you finding these single ladies? I have no idea where to find single decent guys.

JR is a chick magnet, always has been. I'm jealous as hell.

All I have are random people who don't know me trying to play matchmaker.

It starts with, "I know this girl..."

And always involves one or more of the following:

A. Has a 'healthy appetite' for life

B. The new medications are really helping her

C. Looks pretty good considering how many miles she has on the tires

D. After what that crazy ex did to her last boyfriend, it's a good thing he's doing 10-15 in Supermax.

E. She's got the cutest little boy. No clue who the father is, but he's sweet nonetheless

F. She drinks herself half blind every night. What can I say, it's her thing.

G. ...and that's why they call her Sandpaper Sally

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Female engineers become irresistible at the age of consent and remain that way until about thirty minutes after their clinical death. Longer if it's a warm day. -- Scott Adams


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