Are all our people from Colorado OK?

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I saw this come out yesterday. I can understand naming the theatre as possibly responsible for not providing adequate security to back doors.

The issue I have with the suit is that it blames Warner Bros for releasing a movie that "inspired the shooter". Only issue is that this was premere night of the movie and had not been shown to the public. How can something inspire you if you haven't seen it? Was the shooter inspired by the previews? Come on. Why doesn't he just name Total Recal (to be released next week), the next Bourne movie (to be released in a couple weeks), or the Expendables 2 (released a week later)?

Additionally, the person suing WB PAID FOR A TICKET TO WATCH THE MOVIE. "Its a violent movie that inspires people so kill others, so I'll go ahead and pay $10 to watch it..." I don't get it.

Don't get me wrong, I feel for the kid. I'm sure he's mentally f'ed up over watching people get shot and killed, but if you want to blame anyone, start with the person who did it. Sometimes the only person responsible for the actions is the person who actually committed them...

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Sadly that has become the American Way: I have no money and no desire or capacity to earn it, so will sue someone that has a lot of it.

Sadly that has become the American Way: I have no money and no desire or capacity to earn it, and an opportunity has presented itself for me to so will sue someone that has a lot of it.
minor edit same sentiment

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Sadly that has become the American Way: I have no money and no desire or capacity to earn it, and an opportunity has presented itself for me to so will sue someone that has a lot of it.
minor edit same sentiment
Thanks for correcting me MA. That is what I was thinking. Not the first time and not the last. The other day I wanted to say that we needed to fix a bad oil switch in a cap bank and sent an e-mail saying that needed to fix a soil switch in a cap bank. No wonder people in the company think I am an idiot.

Wow, so is this a sign of things to come?


This is just down the road from our house. Way too close to home!

They said it was a skinhead this morning, so maybe. But you know how the media is.

Methinks it was probably some ignorant asshole that thought he was killing Muslims.
I definitely think there was an identity error issue here. They say he was a supremacist (media said it though) and had a 9/11 remembrance shirt on.
