Are all our people from Colorado OK?

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People like that are f'ed! There is no rehabilitating him so why didn't they put a bullet in him rather than taking him in.

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Just glad that all our EB friends are OK. Sad for all the people suffering because a maniac decided he wanted to be famous.

I was watching TV and another idiot, little less maniac than the one at Colorado, was screaming about limiting people's access to weapons. Yeah right. Like this is going to stop assholes(excuse my French) to do things like this shooting.

Laws only control the honest people. Criminals, by definition, are not law abiding citizens...

If anything, actions like this only reinforce my belief in LESS gun restrictions. If honest people are armed and informed, the crazies and thugs will think twice...

Just imagine how hard it would be to come to grips with losing a child or spouse or anyone you care about to a bad accident. That would be tough enough, but to have to deal with sending your kid to a late night movie and never seeing them again would be impossible to handle.

Limiting guns won't stop anything. It'll just make the honest law-abiding folks even more vulnerable.

no one would believe that their offspring would be capable of such behaviour
I have read a few stories where, when informed of her son's actions, his mother said "yeah, that sounds like him." Turns out, he was a psycho, and his own mother knew it.

I'm just wondering why there werent 10 people jumping on him. I guess you had to be there. The police caught him outside by his car.

I'm hearing he was very well prepared, full body armor, balistic helmet, gas mask. he used flash bang grenades and tear gas to keep people disoriented. the whole concept of this creep doing this stuff really gets me angry. he will never see the light of day again, but I'm not sure that is enough.

the fact he rigged his apartment to blow means he had no intentions on going back to it...did he want to get caught?

no one would believe that their offspring would be capable of such behaviour
I have read a few stories where, when informed of her son's actions, his mother said "yeah, that sounds like him." Turns out, he was a psycho, and his own mother knew it.
yeah, but not when he was born. That's when this one should've been drowned.

Also glad all EB friends are ok. What a horrific event that was though. I'm also surprised he didn't get mobbed by a few at the theater and taken down. Probably way to chaotic to figure out what was going on.

This is the part that pisses me off most about this situation. No mater what happens now, there won't be justice.
Amen! Does CO have the death penalty?

Ha - was watching Fox news on this last night (Fox is the only live news we get aside from CNN, which is international and only shows Hong Kong business news and cricket scores).

Here we have the folks who love to bitch and whine about the knee-jerk gun control reaction to mass shootings. And then they have their "expert" talking about how "smart people" can be pretty unstable, and perhaps universities should begin psychological screening because, you know, "smart people" are so... abnormal. (in so many words). Way to go, Fox!
