leggo PE
Straight Waffle-izer
7.5k by the end of the day!
Well, to answer some of those questions... I notice when my coworkers get haircuts on video calls, and I made snickerdoodle cookies (that really tasted more like churro cookies!) and boozy pineapple lemonade to bring to share on my camping trip over the long weekend...i wonder what all you spammers are like outside of spamming.... like what if we were coworkers? are some of you the quiet ones who never talk? are you the mansplainer? are you a party person? are you one of the super excited and passionate about everything engineering people? or just doing this for the paycheck mostly? would i like you? would we be friends? what would we talk about? would you occasionally give me a ride to work if it'd be 10-15 minutes out of your way? would you help unload the office dishwasher or put a new roll of toilet paper in when it's out, or just wait for someone else to do it? do you bring homemade snacks for everyone on occasion? would we go to lunch together sometimes? would we have inside jokes? or would i roll my eyes at almost everything you say? would our political views align or be very different? would i feel comfortable cursing around you? would i compliment your haircut? would you notice when i got MY hair done? where would we stand man? i just wonder about these things.