April 2021 15k Spam Thread

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Civil engineer goes to Hell​

A civil engineer dies and goes to Hell by accident. According to policy, all civil engineers go to Heaven but a mistake was made this time. The engineer descends to Hell and he finds the situation miserable. Too much heat, fires, lava, vapor, and everyone is in panic mode. So he goes to have a little chat with the devil and gets to work. After one month, he has installed air conditioning, escalators, new toilets and hot tubs. One day God gives Devil a call.

God: Yo Devil, how's it going down there?

Devil: We're doing great! We have this engineer and he's very hard working. He's built escalators, jacuzzis, toilets.

God: What? There must have been a mistake. You are not supposed to have engineers in Hell, send him back to Heaven immediately.

Devil: No way! We've made plans for building pools, stone barbecues, the engineer is staying in Hell.

God: You are in breach of contract. If you don't send him back, I will sue you.

Devil: Ha! And where will you find a lawyer?
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