April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I'd say that I'm looking forward to the weekend, but I'm going to be waking up earlier and doing more work this weekend, than I will the weekdays before and after...

I'm really looking forward to a day that I can sleep in, Memorial Day weekend can't come soon enough.

I'd say that I'm looking forward to the weekend, but I'm going to be waking up earlier and doing more work this weekend, than I will the weekdays before and after...

I'm really looking forward to a day that I can sleep in, Memorial Day weekend can't come soon enough.
yup. we stopped having good friday holiday and now get an additional personal day, which I didnt use yet. So its been a while since a long weekend.

What are all these holidays you guys are getting?  Man, my company sucks with the PPL!
not to brag, but the last long weekend we got was for Presidents' day. :p  

but it does not mean much. Our oversees teams are still working. So I still end up answering to emails and stuff.

We get bare minimum holidays off at my company. It sucks. Memorial day weekend cannot get here fast enough...then a vacation the first week in June!

not to brag, but the last long weekend we got was for Presidents' day. :p  

but it does not mean much. Our oversees teams are still working. So I still end up answering to emails and stuff.
Our last long weekend was Thanksgiving of last year, since all the other holidays landed on Tuesdays/mid-week...BUT.  I did just check my calendar!  We do have off Memorial Day!  Which means I can get soooo much moving done that weekend!  Huzzah!

We get bare minimum holidays off at my company. It sucks. Memorial day weekend cannot get here fast enough...then a vacation the first week in June!
Oooooo, are you going anywhere fun?  I have a ton of weddings this year, so not too many 'vacations' this year.  But next year is chock full with Hawaii and then a transatlantic from NY to London!

How goes the job search?
I got so busy at my current job that I forgot about looking for a new job.  I feel like this is part of their nefarious plan.  😑

On the other hand, I'm waiting to see if @vee043324's company gives me a call.  She said they're really slow, so I might wait until September-ish before I start looking again (aka; I might as well enjoy my summer on LI if I'm going to be here).

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