April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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@txjennah PE I think Kauai?  My parents usually go to an island or two during their (now annual) Hawaii visits.  I think 2020 was supposed to be 2-weeks, but I think it's 3.5 weeks now?  My dad has an international/Hawaii timeshare, so he uses his points and I only have to pay for my ticket and food (which is kinda expensive).  It'll be my first time there!  My brother really wants to show me the Jurassic Park sets, and the raptor nest, and I've also been informed I have to take surfing lessons...because he's always wanted to do it, but my parents wouldn't let him do it alone/they didn't want to do it.  So.  Yeah.  I'll probably lose my top.
That sounds like sooo much fun.  Yeah to be honest, if my husband's uncle didn't let us use his points to stay in our resort for the week, I don't think we would have been able to afford the trip.

When you go to the store, and haven’t eaten anything yet, 49170086-AF75-42D2-B101-5A7B5B515EBB.jpegyou buy things you normally wouldn’t. They aren’t even as good as they look. I did eat a bunch on my 20 mile drive home, though.

That's because even I'm not sure if I was being sarcastic.

There's a lot of overlap between the two. There are certainly times where it's pure engineering, and where it would be denigrating to the profession to think that a generic PMP office worker could handle the task, and there are things that are pure PM that don't involved any kind of engineering or STEM knowledge and is basically budgeting. Some of the intersection or hybridization arrives where doing systems engineering or engineering management.

I've mostly been in the management side of things, so nearly all of my experience could be confused for project or program management by PMI.


Sometimes I'm doing stuff that I don't think a normal PMP/PM would know if I didn't have the engineering background (this includes some of the report I've been writing), but then other times...I am def doing work that is pure management and has nothing to do with engineering.
I can see this. Personally I do both on a regular basis, and I have a pretty clear delineation between the two. Having *some* exposure to the nuclear world, I definitely run into engineers who really do mostly PM.

Pics or it didn't happen!



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