April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Water lotta fun that sounds.

(seriously though, the flood conditions sound like no joke. Any idea if there’s an end in sight?)
Nope.  It is supposed to crest today (Flood of Record at 22.7ft), but then there is rain in the forecast (at least a chance) for the next 10 days, so will probably go back up.  Is no bueno.  We are breaking records all over the place.

Posting about other thread posts in the spam thread, takes away from the spam thread....because people are curious. Time should be spent here. Only true way to get results early.

Yeah that went downhill fast. Made me question whether i’m doing the right thing by tormenting those poor souls
I'm not monitoring every thread, but I'm not sure that you're doing much tormenting to begin with. Things have been really mild this session all around.

It probably won't heat up until sometime next week when the Apr 19 results SF is made.

IMHO, trolling is as its best when it gets a half-second reaction from the lizard part of the brain, then the higher functions kick in and determine its false.

Or the long-con trolling. That's my specialty, that's also the best. ;)

I'm not monitoring every thread, but I'm not sure that you're doing much tormenting to begin with.
It’s probably because the sensitive Washingtonian in me wants to apologize for every little mean thing i’ve Said or might have said or might have sounded remotely mean...

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What about home...I mean, you gotta get to both places at least.
Yep, home is good.  I do live on the other side of the mess, so that is a pain - in the greater area we have 5 bridges, two are outskirt interstate bridges, one of which is down to one lane for other reasons at this point, one was going to be shut down to one lane for cleaning-the DOT opted to reschedule that thankfully.  Of the three in town ones, one is down to one lane, and might get closed today, another is closed because it now exits into water and one already had modified traffic patterns due to bridge construction - you have to get off the interstate to go over the bridge, then get back off on the other side.  Not very direct or convenient. And also has water encroaching on the off ramp on one side.  Only several more weeks of this to go.  😐

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