April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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its not real?
It's only using cocoa powder, so it's tastes like chocolate, but has a limited amount of cocoa butter (usually substituted with vegetable oil)...so it doesn't have the mouthfeel that a lot of 'real'/'European' chocolate have.  It's why a lot of countries look down on any US-manufactured chocolate, due to the lack of cocoa butter making it 'real' chocolate.

Also very few of my GIFs have gotten me additional rep. @JayKay0914!!!

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Wait, what?  I thought once an orphan, always an orphan, since necromancy is frowned upon?  I didn't realize you could...stop?  I'm actually really interested in this (text makes me sound like a dick, so I apologize if this makes me seem insensitive). 
I believe, technically, the orphan term applies to loosing your parents when you’re a kid. I was an adult when I lost mine...not even in my late teens or 20’s.

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It's only using cocoa powder, so it's tastes like chocolate, but has a limited amount of cocoa butter (usually substituted with vegetable oil)...so it doesn't have the mouthfeel that a lot of 'real'/'European' chocolate have.  It's why a lot of countries look down on any US-manufactured chocolate, due to the lack of cocoa butter making it 'real' chocolate.
Have you ever seen chocolate processed from the cocoa fruit/bean?

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We are talking chocolate....although I’d try a chocolate burger. May not be great, but I’d try it.

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