EAST COAST BEAST COAST. Aka; we don't understand this whole 'sleep' and 'work/life balance' because it's extremely cut-throat. I've said, more than once, sadly, that I was leaving the office early at around 5:45pm after getting there before 8am. Ha ha ha ha haa ha ha ha ahjbvdsknc *collapses into sobs*
@RBHeadge PE My tea drinking will always be a point of contention on this board. And I recall last time how it spiraled out of control and I had to stop myself. I'm better now. I swear. *shoves numerous tea packets into trash*
As for the AR PE - He lives in Arkansas (AR), he moved there when I was little, but he's still a NY-er at heart and I wish that once day he'll move back here permanently (or at least closer to a main airport hub so I don't need to transfer when flying there). We are no longer allowed to be unsupervised together because last time that happened we: left lunch separately from the rest of the family, drove around aimlessly and ended up at 2 more bars before ending up at a place where moonshine is locally made. We were the only ones there, so we wanted to try all the flavors. This was November (I think) of the 2016 election, and my uncle is from AR (aka; where Hillary is from), so we got into a heated political debate with the moonshiners about Republicans and how the US is ****** up, all while drinking apple-pie moonshine. When we finally got home (which was only 30-min from our original lunch location), it was around 3-hours after everyone else got there. We were slightly soused (for us) and then we promptly drank a whole bottle of Milagro tequila while hanging out. Due to our late arrival, and getting in a fight with moonshiners, we are no longer allowed to be alone in each other company because we get into too much trouble and too much liquor. This was the third time, and three strikes you're out (though I ******* love that stage we built while drunk the first time)