White Claw Pusher
no billable hours in gov work. love that.
You'll be great. I was at my previous job with an unlicense-able degree for almost 10 years, then here for 5 1/2 before i passed, so I was an 'intern' for 15 years. So excited that I finally got to drop that from my title.I've been waiting for this promotion for years.
Been at the same job title the last 11 years, makes me look unsuccesssful.
But I have great financial planning so no worries.
More money comes with the terrority, but I'm not sweating it.
I just hope to pass so I don't have to keep clocking in and out and keep track of my time card down to the minute.
I work 20 hours a week and no punch in and billable hours in gov work. love that.