yep, they don't take that long if you know the procedure. I thought they were helpful. They might be a little more difficult than the typical morning question but they get your mind prepared for the curve balls they like to throw on the exam.
Typically, California gives out results approximately a month after all other states...So, if California uses NCEES cut-scores, then CA examinees will know if they have passed or not, based on results from other states...does it work that way??I was told by my state board that they use the NCEES/ELES cut score. It is a liability - legal issue because they need to do due dilegence and not be aribtrary in setting the score or they will be open to lawsuit. If any state tried to do it on their own it might be California because of the survey and sizmic issues they add on etc...
I don't think so. They don't give out the cut score to anyone. All you know is if you pass or fail. If you fail you simply get a breakdown of how you scored. If you pass all you get is a letter stating you passed. I believe one or two states give the score you received (maybe Virginia or West Virginia I forget) but you still wouldn't know what the cut score was. They keep that secret.Typically, California gives out results approximately a month after all other states...So, if California uses NCEES cut-scores, then CA examinees will know if they have passed or not, based on results from other states...does it work that way??
Nobody will know the true answer to your question. The cut score is determined by NCEES for each exam. One time the cut score may be 50/80 next time it may be 55/80. From what I've read it is usaully safe to assume you will pass if you get 56/80 correct. If you get less than that you may still pass, it just depends on what the cut score will be determined to be by NCEES for your particular exam.
1. Was this your first time taking the exam? Yes
2. How much did you study or prepare for the exam? A bajillion hours, the more the better.
3. What did you think of the morning? Not too bad, hated the structural stuff though
4. What depth did you take and how would you judge the difficulty? Construction baby! Just like the FE, I enjoyed afternoon more than the morning.
5. Do you think you passed? I did, good luck to everyone taking it in October!