Apple Rant

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I used to sit next to a ginger that used to work at Apple. He loved it but spent months at a time in China.

My wife loves her iphone, but I will refuse to get into the Apple stuff out of principle. It's overpriced compared to similar products on the market.

I buy most of music from Amazon nowadays and love the cloud there. I also dumped most of my iTunes library into that cloud, but it didn't pull across everything. Maybe I just need to stick with my Amazon cloud.

I just broke down and bought a smart phone... Samsung galaxy S2... great so far... I've never been a fan of Apple products... I'll stick with open source... for what I do with a phone, free apps are fine... and I'll stick to my mp3s that aren't DRMed to death

I never have and never will own any Apple products. I despise their lack of customization and them forcing their software on users. But that's just me. It works well for some in other cases where they don't feel the need to do those things. I'm a PC modder and enthusiast so I like to have the freedom to do what I want with my devices. I haven't found anything that Apple can provide that I can't do on a PC or with Android.


I had just upgraded my Verizon phone to a blackberry...

I enjoy the Mac over the windows computer bc I don't have to wait 30 minutes for it to boot up.
But see, that all depends on your hardware. Your standard run-of-the-mill PC from Best Buy is basically a slow HSD with low-grade components. My PC at home with a solid state drive boots Windows in 13 seconds. Less if I just let it go to sleep.
