Apple Rant

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Sep 28, 2007
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acquiring satelites...
Explain to me the appeal...because every fricking time I open iTunes it wants to update (like Adobe) and frequently my ipod touch can't sync. There is no way I'd buy an ipad!

What's so great about Apple?

They are delicious, well except the red ones. I don't like those, but it's hard to beat a crisp granny smith.

Gala apples are best for baking!!! Sweet but slight of both worlds.

Never owned an apple electronic product...never been drawn to them. Almost got an Ipad but it was WAY TOO MUCH $$$$ for what I'd use it for.

I just broke down and bought an iPad last week. I got it for one application which will save me a bunch of aviation dollars. However, I've also found a few apps that will help me work when I'm traveling. I'm pretty happy with it so far. I have no intention of using it for music storage though.

Itunes does want to update too often and usually it's because they made the japenese voice recognition bettrer or some stupid crap like that. I bought an ipad for work, but really havent found a good use for it yet. I will sometimes throw a bunch of pdfs to look at during meetings or inspections but thats about it. Has anybody found a good work application for the ipad yet?

We're considering purchasing an apple tree. What is great about them is that they provide shade and delicious fruit.

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My wife got me an ipad for Christmas. It's still in the box and has only come out a couple fo times. I can't sit and stare at the screen all day. I have an iphone but it is provided by work so I really don't want to sync the two devices. Maybe I'm not savvy enough, but I don't see the fascination.

My wife got me an ipad for Christmas. It's still in the box and has only come out a couple fo times. I can't sit and stare at the screen all day. I have an iphone but it is provided by work so I really don't want to sync the two devices. Maybe I'm not savvy enough, but I don't see the fascination.
I use my kindle fire mainly as a solitare, mah jong, or suduku game. I have a couple movies downloaded for when I travel and we have toddler games like memory and connect the dots for minisnick.

We're considering purchasing an apple tree. What is great about them is that they provide shade and delicious fruit.
I am very pleased with the apple tree in my backyard :)

Updated and still couldn't get it to work, which means I'll have to do a restore, which takes forever. Just saw in the news where the new iPhone won't use the same cord as the rest of them.

My wife has an iPad and I have an iPod touch.

The new OS will allow for you to update the device without hooking it up to the computer.

The only crappy thing about these things is that I find that the batteries start to go bad after 2-3 years.

I think my ipod is in a box somewhere...(and mine is about the same age as yours...)

I have a droid based tablet and have found all sorts of ways to utilize it... you can load up power point presentations or documents and then connect to a larger tv for meetings, take notes, organize photos, etc etc etc... I have the kindle app to read with it, google sky map, netflix, movies etc etc etc... it's a few years old now, but still love it... then again, we hacked into it and got the regular droid app market rather than the one specific to tablets... and I hated it for a while until I got used to it.

I really enjoy honey crisp apples.

I bought an iPhone back in 2009. I had just upgraded my Verizon phone to a blackberry and after 3 weeks couldn't stand it anymore. I had wanted one for some time and when I found out I was going to be traveling out of the country for work, I used that as my justification. AT&T got better service where I lived at the time anyways. Later that same year I bought a MacBook after my compaq laptop died after 3 years. I enjoy the Mac over the windows computer bc I don't have to wait 30 minutes for it to boot up. At nearly 3 years old, the MacBook is still going strong. I had the iPhone replaced once (for free) after some soy sauce got in the speaker. It's 2.5 years old and is slow and the battery life is horrible but it's still functioning. Also, I can update my phone without plugging into iTunes.

Apple's products are expensive but I've been pleased with my purchases.

(whispering) Steve Jobs is dead.
(whispering) I don't see dead people.

I think I'm also biased. I own a Samsung Galaxy SII, which has a much bigger screen than the ipod/iphone and a million zillion free apps. My ipod just seems cumbersome at this point. I have a friend who would marry her macbook, so I wondered if I was just missing something.

on my ipad and iphone it never asks me to update itunes

but when I go to itunes on my PC i agree it is a huge pain in the ass.. we set up some type of icloud or something so we can all borrow music without having to sync our devices with the pc...

We got an ipad for "free" with a major purchase last year. I've been wary of apple products and frustrated sometimes with the ipod.

But we have really enjoyed the ipad. Instant on, lots of apps and it is niceto catch up on email or look things up while watching tv. Its real handy traveling too.

(whispering) My ipod is five years old.
I have an 80gig Ipod classic. I have cord hardwiring it to the rear of my car stereo and I can control it form the radio face, so I just leave it in the glove compartment and only take it out to load new music on it.

I works just fine for me.

<--- Hasn't used I tunes for 7 years. Has also converted all DRM protected media to .mp3 and can park it anywhere I please.

I read somewhere a while back about why I tunes updates so often, and aside from protecting your media and device, It's also trying to protect the monopoly it's created. They've created such a nice service for downloading & purchasing media, (which I agree is pretty user friendly, and fun) and it uses this to lure in new users. It's almost a fashion statement for some (sorry not trying to offend) to own an apple product. They want you to use this media on devices & software controlled by Apple (look at the stock price since 2005). The updates are packed full of roadblocks for the many new file conversion softwares out there capable of stripping the DRM, and freeing up your purchased product for use on a non-apple device. As soon as file conversion software companies find a new loophole, Apple sends out an update... etc, etc..

This is the sole reason i will never use Itunes. I like apple products a lot, and wish I had a Macbook or something to run Garageband... but I refuse to use Itunes and stick to Winamp/groovshark/pandora for all my digital media.

<---btw, loves a good Pink lady
