Anybody want to talk about WandaVision? (Spoilers!!!)

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???...why do you say that? Yeah, she flipped out a little and saw him ‘ventilated’ like the QS from Age of Ultron but he was still the XMen QS.
When she was distracted the real QS showed dead with the bullet holes from Age of Ultron. Made it seem like it's the same character/same continuity from the MCU. They just decided to use the actor from the Fox/X-MEN universe as a meta reference.
My post episode 7 theory is that Agatha pulled the other QS from the X-Men universe,
I think that's a given since they showed that quick flashback and it looked like she "zapped" him in. I know in the Marvel world, Agatha is Wanda's teacher so maybe this is the beginning of the end...she tells her to suck it up and get over Vision and her made up TV show ends. Then again, Agatha seems to have a bit of a "bad guy" air to her in the show so maybe it's the battle of the witches.
Confession. I'm way more excited about Monica getting her powers and becoming Proton/Captain Marvel/Pulsar/Spectrum, than I am about Agatha and whoever Quicksilver really is. Proton was pretty over-powered in the comics from what I've read. I wonder what name she'll go with in the MCU. She seemed to go through a lot of names in the comics.

... or will she never adopt a name like Wanda? I don't think she's once been called Scarlet Witch in the MCU.
Minor spoiler: This week's episode punches you right in the feels.

ETA: I've been sniffling off and on all afternoon. This was a standout performance for Elizabeth Olsen.
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Thoughts/questions after episode 8...
  • So Wanda created a new Vision from scratch? It's not the real body?
  • Are Wanda's kids "real"? Did she birth them? Via magic? Or is that something Agatha did too? I'm skeptical.
  • So Wanda had powers before the infinity stone?
  • Director Hayward is a dick
Thoughts/questions after episode 8...
  • So Wanda created a new Vision from scratch? It's not the real body?
  • Are Wanda's kids "real"? Did she birth them? Via magic? Or is that something Agatha did too? I'm skeptical.
  • So Wanda had powers before the infinity stone?
  • Director Hayward is a dick
  • I believe so. Dir. said she stole his body, but the flashback shows that’s not the case. I’m assuming they (SWORD) put him back together after she left and that’s him mid-credit getting a Wanda jumpstart ala Frankenstein.
  • I think Agatha is saying that everything Westview is in Wanda’s head. She keeps talking about Wanda’s autopilot magic.
  • Think so. Had some magic but not enough to do anything until she met up with the infinity stone, but she did have enough magic to keep the stone from killing her.
  • Yes. Yes he is.
  • So, showdown between Wanda and Franken-Vision and we go for Vision death #3?
I'm leaning heavily towards her kids being Agatha's creation. Maybe all part of her plan to manipulate Wanda.

If I recall correctly, Agatha has a significant role in the episode where Wanda was pregnant. And I know she was around a lot in the next episode where they keep rapidly aging.

Another random thought. I know this doesn't fit in with the theme of the show, but how has no one called the Avengers?! Seriously, if one Avenger has taken an entire town hostage with her superpowers, and another Avenger is walking around dead, seems like they would be the best people to deal with this situation. #ijs
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It all makes sense now. Mind stone "unlocking" Wanda's potential.

I can very well see how this lead's into the next Dr. Strange movie.

Oh yes, and Hayward is a dick. Not the main bad guy but someone who needs to just go away.

I hope they don't ruin it with a 2nd season.