This is acceptance of status quo. Damn right I care whether or not mini-MS 1 and 2 care about science and education.You've fallen into the trap of the media telling you how awful things are. Good news doesn't sell.
Things are better than they used to be. Much better in cases.
Do we have problems; yeah, we do. But worrying about whether or not kids care is definitely a first world problem.
Only about getting re-elected.Do the politicians care?
The world is a better place, yes. But I'm not looking at the world. I'm looking at this country.So in spite of all the problems, there are enough people striving to get ahead to drag us all forward.
It was somewhat dragged to the moon...Americans were given significant incentive by the Soviets who were the first to put a man in space...This country wasn't dragged to the moon...
I do..oops...gotta go...American Idol's on!!!I do think Americans are much more apathetic now, though. They could care less if someone who is not an American discovered the Boson Higgs particle, or a cure for cancer, or made other significant advances in engineering and science...I don't know why this change has happened, but I think it's there...
It's pretty well documented that Yuri Gagarin's trip into space is what pissed off Kennedy enough to start the Moon Race and provided the impetus for the funding to make it to the moon less than seven years after the "We choose the moon speech."I wouldn't necessarily call the Space Race a dragged-to-the-moon scenario. We dared to do something extraordinary and did it within 9 years.
Since I'm muddled in the education realm (since that's all I really know, I guess), I find it disappointing how sciences are not stressed as much as they were when I was younger. Sure it contains problems due to parents, teachers, etc..., but the visions set at the 20,000 foot level, if you will, just aren't there. And, without those, what dreams are coming from our kids as it pertains to the sciences?
The only thing I can do is provide the resources and opportunites for mini-MS 1 and 2 to learn and be curious about science and appreciate its worth. I just hope I can do enough.
You may be on to to something...Why can't we have American Idol, but for invention? I think it could work. Look at Americans' fascination with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and even Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker...I do..oops...gotta go...American Idol's on!!!I do think Americans are much more apathetic now, though. They could care less if someone who is not an American discovered the Boson Higgs particle, or a cure for cancer, or made other significant advances in engineering and science...I don't know why this change has happened, but I think it's there...
There was a show on Fox a couple years back where inventors proposed buisiness ideas / innovations to investors to get off the ground. I think it lasted one season...You may be on to to something...Why can't we have American Idol, but for invention? I think it could work. Look at Americans' fascination with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and even Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker...I do..oops...gotta go...American Idol's on!!!I do think Americans are much more apathetic now, though. They could care less if someone who is not an American discovered the Boson Higgs particle, or a cure for cancer, or made other significant advances in engineering and science...I don't know why this change has happened, but I think it's there...
Touche.It's pretty well documented that Yuri Gagarin's trip into space is what pissed off Kennedy enough to start the Moon Race and provided the impetus for the funding to make it to the moon less than seven years after the "We choose the moon speech."I wouldn't necessarily call the Space Race a dragged-to-the-moon scenario. We dared to do something extraordinary and did it within 9 years.
You may be on to to something...Why can't we have American Idol, but for invention? I think it could work. Look at Americans' fascination with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and even Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker...
A lot of people are talking about how things are better, but it's just a "feeling" type statement. HOW are things better than they were in previous generations? Having more money is no excuse because there is more money to be had (because it is printed faster now than ever before).I still think your focusing on the negative and not seeing how things are better.
Well that and some people may not realize that the whole discussion is based on a speech from a cable tv show, but it doesn't mean that the discussion isn't relevant...I would gather to say that a lot of people commenting here didnt watch the video......