Afternoon Specific Test

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May 22, 2013
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Looking to see what folks think, I'm 10 years out of school but will finally be taking my FE exam (was a military comm engineer and did not see a need for it prior to now, wishing I had taken it before but it is what it is). I am communications/electrical specific, but was thinking of just taking general in the PM session as my knowledge has decayed a bit....

Anyone else out there take it "later in life" and have any suggestions?

when are you planning on taking the FE exam? This oct is the last paper test and the last afternoon specific setup

Ali, there are several people who have taken the FE that far out and done's all about making a study plan and sticking to it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of distractions for us in that same time frame, so make a study plan and don't let yourself slide from it too much! Best of Luck!

If your ultimate goal is to obtain your PE license, some states allow you to sit for the PE exam without passing the FE exam if you have enough experience. For example, in Tennessee you can sit for the PE after 4 years of progressive experience after passing the FE or 12 years of progressive experience without the FE. One thing to keep in mind if you went this route is that it could affect reciprocity in some states.

I say take it. I think it will definitely benefit you to review all the fundamentals and get some problems practice. And its a matter of a few months of study time. It won't hurt to have the EIT certification regardless of pursuing a PE, although of course it makes perfect sense to disregard the FE if no PE is in your plans, however, here in TX I see it more and more where they want applicants to have their EIT Certification. Good Luck!!

Thank you everyone for your support and advice :) My ultimate goal is my PE. VA requires either a PhD and 4 years of experince OR 20 years of experince if you don't have the EIT. I've started studying and feel overwhelmed by some of the stuff that is supposed to be easy :)

Good luck! I'm waiting on results from the April exam and am really hoping I passed. Are you planning on taking the FE in October? The only reason I ask is because after October it will be CBT based and the material covered is a little different. Here is a link to the new specifications in case you plan on waiting until 2014 to take the exam.

I would definitely encourage you to take the FE Exam. I took it and passed it last October after having not taken some of the core engineering courses needed to pass the test in almost 12 years. I recently went back to school to finish my degree and it helped, but most of the courses that I took recently were upper level engineering courses specific to my major. What happened me most is completing a lot of practice problems and in doing so, refreshen my memory on a lot of the topics I had forgotten or hadn't a need for.

As far as PM session, despite the many opinions and advice you'll get it, it really depends on your prior foundation and test preparation. I chose to go with discipline specific because I felt my professional experience in my field had been pretty thorough and enhanced my prior and recently completed educational instruction. So most of the topics covered in the afternoon weren't foreign to me. The logic I've heard in choosing to go with general for PM session is it's practically the same content as the AM and less new content you have to learn or refreshen your knowledge of.

I graduated 25 years ago and I recently passed the FE in VA doing the afternoon electrical discipline. I, too, have a telecom background (a field where a PE is uncommon) but at this point in my career it makes sense for me to go for the PE and I'm on that path. Nevertheless, I'm sure there are many good ways to prepare for the FE but I diligently used Lindeburg's FERM as well as the NCEES Electrical sample problems. My advice, put in the time plowing through the books, get a copy of the FE reference book to do all of the problems and learn to use your calculator - I saved a lot of time learning to do matrix algebra (among other things) with my cheapo Casio FX-115 (which by the way has since crashed and burned).

Good Luck to you!


Another thing, I chose electrical for the afternoon because I really didn't want learn Biology and some of the other topics for the "Other" afternoon session.

Again, Good Luck,


Thank you everyone!!! I have started working through Lindburg's FERM. Its a bit daunting at this point but I'm hoping i'll get into the groove of things soon :) Its encouraging to hear there are others like me tackling this a little bit after college :) I'm hoping VA will give me the go ahead to test in October!
