IT Design Engineer
In my humble opinion the calculators on the approved list are about as useful as the one pictured below (which oddly enough is not on the list):Hello Folks
I wanted to get peoples opinions on what maybe the best overall calculator from the 3 different models accepted by NCEESfor the PE exam.

Seriously, all of the approved calcs are pretty basic so neither should cause you to pass or fail. Just be sure you really know how to use the one you choose. Don't work any practice problems with a more advanced calculator. Work them all with the one you're going to bring into the exam.
I suppose the determining factor will be RPN or not. If you want RPN then HP is it but don't expect the approved HP to live up to your expectations.
I personally used the Casio FX-115ES. It's a little flimsy but they all are. It had some good features and I'm not a RPN guy so the algebraic entry and natural textbook display suited me better. I really liked the way complex number calculations were handled and conversion from rectangular to polar was very quick and simple. I liked the way matrices were done as well. However, I'm sure if I'd chosen the TI it would have been OK too.
I suppose the good thing about the Casio is that it's so cheap you can buy one and if you don't like it then use it for your check book and buy one of the others for the test. Actually these are so inexpensive that I bought 2 of them (one for a backup) and was out only a little over $20.
Anyway, like others have said, pick one and work with it. As long as you do your practice problems with it and get comfortable with it's quirks then you'll be OK.
Good luck.