Advice I followed to pass PE civil - construction the 1st trial

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Jan 28, 2011
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Passed the exam the first try by following the regular girl advice

Hopefully it will help those of you starting to study.

I wish I knew this stuff from the get go...

“1. I first started trying to read the CERM book like a novel. DON'T do

this (at least not at the beginning). It is frustrating. Too in depth

(which I originally thought would be a good thing) but all it did was

make me almost want to quit studying a couple of times and give up on

the PE all together. The CERM is a good reference (a GREAT reference)

actually, but not a good Teaching tool.

2. Instead, go to this website from Texas A&M university:


They have free videos for you to watch on all of the disciplines. They

are a bit old, but bear with them, they are VERY worth the time


So what I did is print out the PDFs for the videos. I watched the

video for one of the disciplines, for example Geotech. It would take

me a couple of days to get through the video. Stop the video, work the

problems out step by step along with the instructor, continue until

you have completed the video. Then I would spend the rest of the week

working through sample problems of that discipline. I had about 3

books of practice problems (one form Lindeburg, one for Kaplan, one

directly from NCEES etc). Work as many problems as you can that week

for that discipline. Keep the CERM book next to you the whole time.

Every table you use, tab it. Keep working more problems until the end

of the week. If a problem is ridiculously hard, skip it. You can use

your time better by covering more problems first. At the end of your

review months you can always come back to do hard problems if you have


Next week, Monday & Tuesday spend watching a video on Hydraulics for

example. Work Hydro problems the rest of the week. Continue until you

have finished all the videos and you will have covered the morning

material well (for free!!!).

3. Next move into your afternoon depth portion. For me it was

Construction. If this is yours, start with the Rajapakse review book

(otherwise skip this step 3). Read this one like a novel, cover to

cover. This book is very frustrating because it has lots of grammar

mistakes, the drawings look like a kid drew them on the "paint"

program, etc. Stick with it though. Try to overlook the little

mistakes (which at the beginning will drive you NUTS). Keep going, and

tab important formulas etc. This book is pretty easy to work through,

and very informative. It will give you momentum on Construction if

anything. Momentum is a great thing to have while studying.

4. Then work the companion problems from the Rajapakse practice

problem book. By now, you should have all your codes listed on the

NCEES list. As you work through the practice problems for your

afternoon section, tab your references.

5. When you are done with your afternoon portion study of these books,

I would take the "old" NCEES practice problems book (2008). They are

much easier than any of the other problems: Lindeburg, kaplan,

6-minute solutions etc are all harder. Anyway, I would recommend to

take the 2008 NCEES practice problems (treating it like an exam). Time

yourself, make a homemade bubble sheet, whatever you can to make it as

realistic as possible. Grade yourself. I got about a 60% on this first

try (even after WEEKS of all that studying). That is OK. It just shows

you where you need to improve.

6. If you got an earthwork moving problem wrong, I went through a

bunch of similar earthwork problems again... not just the one I got

wrong. Reinforce the entire TYPE of problem. Continue until you have

covered a lot of material for each of the problems you got wrong (as

well as the ones you got right but guessed!!).

7. Then take a print out of the NCEES outline and make sure you have

covered every line item on it. If you haven't come across any work yet

on a specific line item from the NCEES outline, THEN go to CERM book.

This book covers it all. Read the section, work their problems.

8. I found at this point in my study timeline that I needed more

problems that were similar to the actual exam. I had a lot of problems

left in the Lindenburg practice problems, about 20% of the Kaplan

practice problems were still unanswered but it was a waste a time to

go through those, because they are too hard. I needed more practice

problems that were similar difficulty to the exam. I bought a School

of PE pdf review. I did every problem on this PDF set. Work as many

problems as you can as similar as possible to the NCEES books at this


9. Lastly I took the last NCEES practice problems (the new 2011 book)

as one final practice exam. Grade it also. Go through any problems you

got wrong on this exam in depth

10. Make sure all your references are tabbed. Make sure you get a good

rest before the exam. And go in confidently. Try and stay relaxed and

pray. That helped me tons and I passed on the first try.

A couple of other EXTREMELY HELPFUL notes for you:

- I kept 3 ring binders of problems I worked. One for soils, one for

structures, one for transpo etc. Every example you work, put it on a

new sheet of paper. Stick it in the appropriate binder. Before long

you will have a ton of solved transpo problems. Some on vertical

curves, some on horizontal curves, some on traffic etc. Group all

those problems and divide them with tabs. These binders were a great

tool during the exam. I knew that if I got a horizontal curve problem

on the exam, and if my mind went blank on what to do, I just had to go

to the Transpo binder, the horizontal curve tab, find a similar

problem and I would have procedures, formulas etc everything right

there. I actually used this quite a bit during the exam. I also put

printed out notes from the Texas A&M video PDFs at the front of each

appropriate tab in my binders. Also, every formula I used in these

solved problems, I put a CERM page number next to.

- Another general note that helped me a lot in addition to my binders

were my tabs. I made my own color code. For example, the structural

binder was blue, and every tab in the CERM book (and in every other

reference) that had a structural table, or a useful structural formula

was also blue. Everything geotech was green. Everything construction

was red. etc. So I ended up with a bunch of tabs on my references, but

in the middle of the exam, if I needed to look something up, I knew I

had to focus on only one "type" so instead of looking through 50 tabs,

I was focused on the 10 blue tabs only. It gains you a lot of speed.

Use whatever system works for you. But I highly recommend something like this.

- take two of the same calculators with you. Odds are neither will

fail, but it buys you peace of mind. This is priceless during the


- buy all the NCEES codes early. I wasn't sure if I would need all of

them. So I bought some. As I kept studying some books referenced some

codes I didn't have. Then I bought those also. Near the end of my prep

time, I ended up with every code the NCEES had listed. But the ones I

bought near the end, I hardly knew how to use. If it is on the NCEES

list, it is for a reason. I think I used all but 1 of them during the

exam. Studying for this thing is a huge investment of time and money.

Don't cut your chances of passing because you wanted to save $100

bucks. I am so thankful I had everything with me. When you are done,

you can always sell your books and make back about 80%.

Good luck to all of you!! If I can be of any help, email me at

This forum was a great help to me. I

studied on my own (with no courses). The members here were awesome,

and now it's my time to give back.”

Here’s all my references and binders I used, find me on yardsale

Good luck!

Lindeburg package – 4 books

1 - Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 11th Edition Michael R. Lindeburg, PE ($100)

2 - Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam, 11th Edition Michael R. Lindeburg, PE ($40)

3 - Quick Reference for the Civil Engineering PE Exam, 5th edition Michael R. Lindeburg, PE ($40)

4 - Civil PE Sample Examination, 2nd Edition Michael R. Lindeburg, PE ($30)

5 – Principles and Practice of Engineering PE Civil Sample Questions & Solution 2007, NCEES ($35)

6 – Civil PE Professional Engineer Exam Construction Module, 3r Edition Ruwan Rajapakse, PE ($25)

7 - Civil PE Professional Engineer Exam Construction Module, Practice Problem, 2010 Ruwan Rajapakse, PE ($25)

8 – All in One – Civil Engineering PE Breath and Depth, Exam Guide, Indranil Goswani ($45)

9 – Standard Practice for Bracing Masonry Walls Under Construction, 2001. ($15)

If you buy the complete package

I’ll include

2-3 ring binder index page of CERM

2-3 ring binder of MUTCD-pt 6

I agree 100% with her advise, you follow that and you really should pass the exam - 1st try. Also check out my website at, where I expanded on some of her same ideas and added some great free references and tips.

He did write "Passed the exam the first try by following the regular girl advice"... and I was wondering what in the hell was "regular girl" advice. Maybe it was just his way of making an awkward citation given she started with "Regular girl- passed the exam the first try (than you, God!!) and would like to share what I learned."

He did write "Passed the exam the first try by following the regular girl advice"... and I was wondering what in the hell was "regular girl" advice. Maybe it was just his way of making an awkward citation given she started with "Regular girl- passed the exam the first try (than you, God!!) and would like to share what I learned."
Yeah, I noticed that too. He did make a slight reference to the original "author" and he did put quotes around her "work" - but it wasn't clear at all that credit was being given to her.

By some act of craziness, some miracle of hope, I managed to pass this test (construction depth) after the second try so I wanted to extend my thanks off to "Construction PE" as well and the other countless threads of info I've read on this site - I didn't follow the "Construction PE" advice to a "T" but it was relatively close. Because I drive over an hour to get to work and was pressed for study time (married with three kids also), I downloaded the files from the Texas A&M site and converted them to sound files that I listened to on the way to and fro from work. Sounds retarded but it really helped me to become familiar with the material and then helped when it came time to work problems - familiarty is key to building the confidence you need to get er done! One caveat: I would recommend listening/watching only Geotech, Reinforced Concrete (first 30 minutes only), all of the hydraulics and hydrology courses and maybe statics - I didnt get alot out of some of the other courses. I got to studying after work and on the weekends before my kids got up which leveled off my available study time. I started looking at this stuff in November 2011 but didn't really pick up steam with it until early January. I bought all the standard study guides, references, practice tests, etc., spent a bunch of money... same as everyone else here.

Per Construction PE's advice (among others), I made two custom study/test binders - one 1-1/2" condensed binder which had each of of the five topics (tabbed, organized as Construction PE explained) and another 1" binder with additional info for the p.m. portion. THESE ARE MUST HAVES!!! YOU NEED YOUR OWN CUSTOM BINDERS WITH YOUR WORKED PROBLEMS AND YOUR NOTES TO REALLY HAVE AN IMPACT ON PASSING THIS TEST!!! I brought in a binder for my first try back in 2010 but it wasn't very comprehensive or well organized; quite frankly I was not well prepared! Having your own custom binders really helps with your confidence level and let's not forget... answering problems quickly! The biggest advice I have to pass this thing is work on developing your note binders as you study - you will develop pride in what you constructed, it will become a symbol of the effort you've put in and your devotion to the task, it'll give you worked examples in your time of need, it'll give you a lot more confidence, the list goes on... all-in-all IT WILL HELP YOU PASS!!!

Many thanks to all who have contributed to this forum and for the many great pointers and tips I learned along the way! And for those still in the process, keep your spirit up and your head high... it will happen!

Passed - now waiting on California's Special Exams...

References used: - thanks for the countdown days, nothing like a little kick in the @#% to get you studying! - good free videos, good references. - great advice (not from regular girl :laugh: ), thorough resources. - free classroom style reviews, good if you have some time to watch.

Good luck!


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