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I don't know how you all have time for this during the day.
I have a project deadline this week :(
I've had about a grand total of 2 billable hours this week. I have some long meetings tomorrow and Friday, but other than that...REALLY slow week here.
Yeah, I guess that would do it.

No one is ever around when I show up in the evenings.
Yea, I'm pretty much out at 5 and then don't check back in until i get back to work.

So I just found out the 7 isn't working on my cell phone. In Charlotte, the area code is 704 and you have to dial it every time you make a call, so I'm pretty much screwed if I don't have the number in my contacts list.
I know how that is. I had that happen on my blackberry, but it was for a whole row of keys, so not only could I not type the numbers 4, 5 or 6, I also couldn't type the letters a s d f g h j k or l. Luckily it was still under warranty and I got a replacement. Can you get a new phone?

So I just found out the 7 isn't working on my cell phone. In Charlotte, the area code is 704 and you have to dial it every time you make a call, so I'm pretty much screwed if I don't have the number in my contacts list.
I know how that is. I had that happen on my blackberry, but it was for a whole row of keys, so not only could I not type the numbers 4, 5 or 6, I also couldn't type the letters a s d f g h j k or l. Luckily it was still under warranty and I got a replacement. Can you get a new phone?
That's what sucks. I'm about 4 months away from being out of contract, so I can't get a new phone yet.

I'm out. You guys have fun while I'm gone.
Later Wil, maybe someone else can get a TOP now.

So I just found out the 7 isn't working on my cell phone. In Charlotte, the area code is 704 and you have to dial it every time you make a call, so I'm pretty much screwed if I don't have the number in my contacts list.
I know how that is. I had that happen on my blackberry, but it was for a whole row of keys, so not only could I not type the numbers 4, 5 or 6, I also couldn't type the letters a s d f g h j k or l. Luckily it was still under warranty and I got a replacement. Can you get a new phone?
That's what sucks. I'm about 4 months away from being out of contract, so I can't get a new phone yet.

Well you can get a new phone, you'll just have to pay $18,945.23 for it.

So I just found out the 7 isn't working on my cell phone. In Charlotte, the area code is 704 and you have to dial it every time you make a call, so I'm pretty much screwed if I don't have the number in my contacts list.
I know how that is. I had that happen on my blackberry, but it was for a whole row of keys, so not only could I not type the numbers 4, 5 or 6, I also couldn't type the letters a s d f g h j k or l. Luckily it was still under warranty and I got a replacement. Can you get a new phone?
That's what sucks. I'm about 4 months away from being out of contract, so I can't get a new phone yet.

Well you can get a new phone, you'll just have to pay $18,945.23 for it.
True, but I'm a tightass, so that's not happening.

That's what sucks. I'm about 4 months away from being out of contract, so I can't get a new phone yet.
Sometimes they'll let you upgrade a few months early. Can you select phone numbers from text messages or e-mails? Or maybe edit numbers via the phone provider's website (if you have a SIM Card, sometimes you can manage contacts from the web)

I haven't tried any of that yet, but thanks for the tips. I'll have to see what I can do before I can upgrade, but I think I might be eligible for a new phone at a discounted rate next month sometime, so we'll see.

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I've gotten some good deals on phones on Ebay. My current phone was an Ebay purchase.

ETA: my service provider (AT&T) has a handy little thing on their website, shows you when you are eligible for upgrade.

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