Professional Engineer
This is to keep things more organized and not clutter the FAIL! thread on this forum.
If you have failed the exam and received your diagnostic report, please post the following in this format:
<Discipline of the Exam you took>
<Total number of problems you've got right> / 80 (or 100 depending on the exam).
For example:
If you have failed the exam and received your diagnostic report, please post the following in this format:
<Discipline of the Exam you took>
<Total number of problems you've got right> / 80 (or 100 depending on the exam).
For example:
That's it. This thread is solely for the purpose of finding out how much more effort all incoming P.E. candidates should put into preparing for the upcoming next exam, as well as helping those that are still waiting on the results to re-evaluate their confidence in terms of how well they performed on the October 2010 exam (as well as motivate those that did sub par to start studying right away!)Electrical Power
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