CA Seismic and Surveying Exam Results - October 2022

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This is very interesting. I called the board and asked what day they will release the results and I was told by the person in the phone that the results went out on Monday… I was then transferred to the department that would be able to tell me why I haven’t seen it yet and of course it went to voicemail
This is very interesting. I called the board and asked what day they will release the results and I was told by the person in the phone that the results went out on Monday… I was then transferred to the department that would be able to tell me why I haven’t seen it yet and of course it went to voicemail
Are they on vacation?
This is very interesting. I called the board and asked what day they will release the results and I was told by the person in the phone that the results went out on Monday… I was then transferred to the department that would be able to tell me why I haven’t seen it yet and of course it went to voicemail
What? None of us got the email or data
I believe both the Seismic Principles and Engineering Surveying results were sent out last night.
View attachment 28376
From Hiner’s book, no idea where he got the numbers from.

The spring BPELSG Bulletin publishes the results of the state exams to provide year-to-year comparisons. You can access the quarterly bulletins on the BPELSG website or subscribe to the email list and have them emailed to you (along with other important information related to applications, regulations, and licensing).

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Passed!!!!! To give some background in case it helps someone on this thread: This was my second time taking the Survey Exam. I took it for the first time in August 2022 (just a few months ago) and failed. It wasn't a shocking failure. I had like 25 questions flagged and I ran out of time. My time management was lacking and, honestly, I didn't study enough. I maybe put in ~50 hrs of studying only using CPESR with Kirk. Nevertheless, it really shot my self-confidence. I had never failed any engineering test before. I immediately signed up to take it the next quarter and I studied ~100 hrs in 6 weeks. I used CPESR with Kirk again but didn't rewatch the videos. I only used the Test Center because it was great for simulating the real exam experience and practicing time management. In addition, I bought Reza's workbook because I heard it had really good practice problems. After taking the exam again and now passing, I agree that the Reza workbook problems were a good representation of what sort of questions will be asked on the exam. I'd recommend using both Kirk and Reza to prepare for the exam. However, you definitely can pass using just one of them. The second time I took the test (in October 2022) I went through the entire test and had 16 questions flagged with 45 minutes left. I was able to figure out 4 of the 16. I was able to deduce educated guesses for an additional 3. So at the end I blindly guessed on 9 questions. And that was good enough to pass! So if you didn't pass. Don't worry. You got this. And if you're about to start studying, you also got this! This test isn't about how smart you are. It is about how good of a test taker you are. If you're not a naturally good test taker, don't worry. Neither am I! It's all about practice and a good mindset. Good luck!
congrats!! i hope you celebrate big this weekend! any tips for those taking surveying? im studying from CPESR and Reza but surveying is just so much more abstract for me and less straightforward than seismic (which I passed on my first try)
I failed the first time only using mansours book.

Second time I got cpesr watched all the videos and did about 1000 practice problems including all the ones in mansours book.

Eventually I got to the point with kirks exams I was done 30-45min early. If I did it again I’d watch all the videos twice.

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