EVERY SINGLE QUESTION needed one of the manuals… I was very familiar with the manuals and it still took an average of 3-5 minutes to navigate to the correct page in the manual. And oh yeah the “searchable” feature is a waste of time in my opinion. I tried to search one question and it brought up about 2000 hits - can’t go through that many in 6 minutes.
If the exam committee did their job correctly, then they would have removed from the exam bank all of the questions that could be solved by any literate person and a "ctrl-f". I've heard rumors that that removed a large chunk of questions out of several disciplines' exams.But also remember, the NCEES knows people are banking on searching something to quickly get the answer and they can’t allow anything to be that easy (I might be a tad biased).
But removing those questions aren't the same as what you are describing above. The exam designers probably didn't intend for the examinees to need to spend most of their time-budget just scrolling through the PDF. I would hope that that feedback would somehow make it back to NCEES or the exam committee so they can adjust things in the future.
So my point was, don’t bank on it being very helpful..

I've been beating this drum for a couple years now. Examinees should know the supplied PDFs as well as they know their regular resources before taking the exam.
Congratulations!To help answer the thread question, I got my results last night at Tuesday 10:00 p.m. The turn around was a rapid ~4.5 days! I passed!!!