The 2019 Garden Thread

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Are you sure that you didn't get a cherry or grape tomato plant? That's what type we plant every year and you just described the fruit perfectly.
I'm fairly certain we didn't. It's this type of tomato:

I wasn't expecting humongous tomatoes, but thought they'd get a bit bigger than they have been. Then again, that very site I linked to says they like full sun, which they definitely aren't currently getting due to weather and also placement.

ill snag a pic but I have one mater plant that looks dead (has no leaves or brown leaves) but it has spit out more actual maters than the others that look "alive" - maybe that where the dog shits?

Our pepper is finally starting to turn red! It's been going for a long time, and stagnated at the size it's at now. Also not as big as I was hoping/expecting... But not as small as the tomatoes.

Speaking of the tomatoes, this tomato plant confounds me. It looks like it's dead (i.e. brown, stiff stalks, little branches, and leaves) and then it will still be sprouting new tomatoes. We have some red ones on there right now, all fairly small, and one tomato that's slightly bigger than the largest one that is still very green. So it's like it's feigning itself as being dead while still producing fruit? Granted, the fruit don't get very big, but I've realized to lower my expectations by now.

Haha @Road Guy, reading your last comment, sounds like I'm having the same thing happen! But I only have one plant, so I have nothing to compare it to.

Had our first hard freeze a couple days ago, so the garden is done now.  Eating the last couple fresh bell peppers now.  Froze some green beans, okra and bell peppers, and finished canning the rest of the tomatoes this weekend (36 quarts canned in total, plus used 3 quarts to make chili on Saturday.)

Just learned it's not too late for me to plant my garlic!

I do have to rip out all of the dead-ish plants... the tomato plant still had tiny red & green tomatoes on it yesterday. I ate a red one and spit it out, it was bad. So this winter will have some gardening research. And boyfriend ripped out of the dead hydophonic garden. He tried doubling the water source to one row to see if it'd do anything. It didn't. And then he didn't adjust the nutrients so they've slowly be drying out. He cleaned it all up yesterday. Said he's going to plant everything at once instead of one row at a time, a week apart since it was slimy in there. 

Got most of my Fall garden planted this past weekend. Bok Choy, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and spinach. Have lettuce seeded indoors but they're being a pain and not germinating. Have two pepper plants still producing that I left in the garden. 

I have a buttload of ghosts and habaneros to bring in before they rot.  Lots of buds on my reapers right now, if they don't give me something before the first frost, I'm going to bring them indoors and try and keep them alive during the winter.  They will likely get transplanted to the ground next year.  

Everytime I've had free time, it's be raining so I haven't ripped out the old garden. I have some compost so I can plant my garlic. We haven't had frost yet, which is surprising since the last two years we've had a small snow storm by now.

It's been a little chilly here (mid-40s at night) the past few nights, so I pulled off the remaining itty bitty tomatoes from the plant. I don't think it will produce anything else.

The pepper plant gave up a few weeks ago.

Newby gardener person here: if I leave the pepper and tomato plants in their pots outside through the winter, will they come back to life in the spring? I live in a somewhat Mediterranean climate.

Got the garden bed cleaned up and ready. We never cleaned it up at the end of the season last year since I was studying (&tbh Boyfriend isnt always a go-getter). 

We've got a shit ton of roots through it so it took me 3hours to get it to the state its in in the pic. Theres still a boatload of roots but most aren't attached to anything now.

Boyfriend built another bed while i did this. We've gotta fill it in and level it out still.

And start over the hydroponics. Again.


My wife has some seeds planted inside... nothing sprouting yet, but we can't plant outside until Memorial Day anyway so we've got some time.

I just sorted through all my seeds today.  Hoping to start them tomorrow.

We don't have any seeds or seedlings, because neither of us think its worth taking a trip to the hardware store to get them 😢

We dont do that here until after mothers day - but this year I am relocating the garden so I was going to try and do that this weekend - but holy shit Home Depot / Lowes is crazy on the weekends - so I am going to venture out early mid week when no one is there to get the few things I need.

We dont do that here until after mothers day - but this year I am relocating the garden so I was going to try and do that this weekend - but holy shit Home Depot / Lowes is crazy on the weekends - so I am going to venture out early mid week when no one is there to get the few things I need.
It's already crept in the 80's a few times this year.  I haven't been to the big box stores lately, but my understanding is that at least Home Depot on the NC side of the state line is lining up customers outside.

my guilty weekend pleasure is just making a drive to get out of the house - All the places that are "open" are just packed on the weekends, I saw people lined up outside home depot but not lowes for some reason -

we are supposed to be in 70's this week with some spring snow for the weekend :violin:

It's supposed to snow tonight/tomorrow...

I'm able to pick up a worm composter, sans worms, from a friend. 

I have no idea how many worms I need to order...


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