Last thing watched on netflix / Amazon..................

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yeah but you work in capitalistic nuclear not socialist nuclear ;)   probably different QA/QC process..
Of course it is.  But somehow I doubt the series will delve into the nuances of QA programs, NRC reportability, operator training, deltas in technology/safety/reactor design... hell, it will probably completely gloss over the fact that the Chernobyl test conditions that led to the failure was entirely man-induced, including manual shutdown of all the plant safety systems to "simulate" a blackout condition and not following their test checklist, which screwed the pooch on their reactor core arrangement.

"Forever" with Fred Armisen and Maya Rudolph had its moments, but was way weirder than I would have expected.

Hanna ended up being drastically different than anticipated.  Rather than a prequel, they just stretched out the story line from the movie and changed the sequence of events entirely.  The movie was better.

I did watch all seasons of Letterkenny - some of it was painful, like the repetitiveness of the stupid ass locker room shtick, but some parts of that show are just downright funny.

Halfway through Yu Yu Hakusho again. Haven't seen it since originally aired the English dubs on Adult Swim in the early-mid 00's.

Watched Black Summer over the weekend. It’s based in the Znation universe but isn’t campy like Z. It’s a lot darker. If you like zombies I recommend it. 

I watched several episodes of Black Summer as well yesterday afternoon.  I do like that it's not just a "hoard of zombies, run for your life" type show, and that the zombies are very tough to kill.  I do wish it would jump around just a smidge less, though.

It seems like I am scraping the barrel of what to watch  these days, I am going back and forth between old episodes of Baywatch and Fear the Walking Dead - just not much out there in the streaming universe!

I did, but working in the nuclear industry, am not looking forward to the fear mongering.  Casual viewers always have a hard time differentiating fact from fiction.
Ditto. The preview makes the death toll look a lot higher than reality.

I cringe at times during Jared Harris' monologue in the trailer. He oversimplifies things and gets it wrong more often then not. And when he says "we're dealing with something that has never occurred on this planet before", I want to shout back "Oklo!" I'll grant them poetic licence though. It looks well produced and I'll probably watch it for the entertainment alone - and then go into work the next morning and start working the fallout . No pun intended.

But to be perfectly honest, speaking as a fellow nukeE, public opinion and public policy don't really matter anymore,  economics has all but sealed the fate for commercial nuclear power.

Without some major political intervention, I fear that is definitely the case domestically.  

So frustrating needing to go on social media black-outs every Monday to avoid Game of Thrones spoilers.  Show airs at ~3pm on Monday while I'm at work and usually can't watch until later that night.

Watching the new season of Bosch on Amazon. Read all the books so I am enjoying the show. Recently finished Sinner on Netflix. Season 2 should be out this summer.

We watched "The Dirt" the other night...holy $hitballs.  Not going to lie, there were parts of it that I'm surprised were even able to make it on to TV...Netflix or not.  Definitely not one to watch with the kids. 
I finished watching The Dirt last night and you hit the nail in the head... holy sh*tballs...


Now, I was not a Motley Crue fanboy back in the day.  I was more of a Def Leppard, Warrant, and GnR fan.  Either way, I at least knew about them and I did like some of their tunes.  Sadly, I only really connected with the music when Need for Speed came out.  Just a bit late, huh?  And I can't hear Home Sweet Home without thinking of the credits for Hot Tub Time Machine.  I was surprised at how much this band in particular dove into drugs and booze.  Damn.  How did they not just die?  Truely some sort of achievement there.  Fascinating how bands come together, stay together, bust up, and then get back together over time and the story told in this movie was incredible.  Never knew Nikki Sixx was dead for two minutes and I never knew of Vince's girl and her unfortunate problem.  Damn.  Watch this movie without the kids.  I give it 4 lines.

that's #1 on my list to see after GOT is over!

The wife started watching "this is US" - arghh,  a little sappy but from what I can tell by watching bits and pieces I would change the name of this show to "sometimes it sucks to be a dad"

The Notebook was sappy.  Sixteen Candles was sappy.  "This is Us" is so beyond sappy, it makes The Notebook look like a slasher flick.

I think I new this already but i just realized Netflix killed off some of my favorite series, punisher, daredevil, Luke cage, etc.  Also supposedly Disney isnt into them due to the violence associated with them..

May not be adding Netflix back for a while, at least until the next Ozarks comes out maybe..

I think I new this already but i just realized Netflix killed off some of my favorite series, punisher, daredevil, Luke cage, etc.  Also supposedly Disney isnt into them due to the violence associated with them..

May not be adding Netflix back for a while, at least until the next Ozarks comes out maybe..
Basically, Disney is preparing to start running their own streaming service. Netflix knew this and didn't want to have people hooked on shows that were going to send them to a competitor.

The future of the "Defenders' is still uncertain because they are a little darker/edgier than what Disney prefers. That being said, I think Disney is also in need of some "maturity" knowing that Mom and Dad like watching stuff too...
