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Ok! ok!! ok!!!,  enough.  let do it this way, if you are pretty sure that you nailed the exam then no qualms, just play along and enjoy the trolling. If you are 50/50 uncertain, then you are welcome to stage 1 hypertension apparently you should not be visiting this site at the moment come back after 3 weeks. If you already know your result and just waiting for the NCEES confirmation, then have fun and learn from your mistake and other people comments. 

Be rest assure this doesn't bother me at all. I know what I am doing and very content with what I do. This little stupid stuff is not going to get me. When handful of people taking great pride in trolling , making stuff up, then I'm also calling out "stupid stuff". Nothing more, nothing less. I'm also having fun but in my own way. 😏

Where is the question of stress?  It gives me pleasure in telling people, no it's not going to get worse here whether 2 weeks or 3 weeks, no this is not a tradition, I don't believe someone trolled you therefore you should troll others. I don't buy any of this stuff.  NO, sky is not going to fall. We are all going to be okay. 
It does bother you, clearly. you only had your account for 5 months. 

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The best part in all this is that I’m not trolling. For those of you who found out they failed already, next exam cycle try the method I outlined the weekend after taking the exam and again 2 weeks prior to score releases.

It does bother you, clearly. you only had your account for 5 months. 
Okay Genius, what correlation my account which has been 5 months or 1 month or 2 years has with bother index? EdUmCaTe  me. Will ya! I would be happy if I only have to keep this account less than 6 months? You can keep trolling after that and keep the so called great tradition going. 

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It gives me pleasure in telling people, no it's not going to get worse here whether 2 weeks or 3 weeks, no this is not a tradition, I don't believe someone trolled you therefore you should troll others.
Account for 5 months but CLEARLY knows trolling/spamming isn't a tradition? Go through past threads and please do educate yourself before looking like a fool.

On a more serious note...

I'm a little surprised by how quick of a turn this thread took. I really don't think it's anyone's intent to hurt anyone's feelings or make others feel bad here, but it seems like it's happening all over. Such is the internet, I guess.

For me personally, my job can be incredibly stressful, and I don't handle stress well. Based on my short experience, I would guess that's the case for a lot of people in our line of work.

Where I am, though, our group found that one of the best ways to cope with the stress is to laugh at ourselves and each other once in a while; it's not uncommon to hear someone say something that, to outsiders, might seem kinda mean, but it's really a sign of camaraderie. It's often said around our office that, if you're not being made fun of once in a while, it's because you're not very well liked. This is also pretty normative with my friends outside work.

For me, this board does a lot of the same thing, even though I don't actually know anybody personally. The way I see it, we all share a common enemy (the PE exam), and as the old saying goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." At times that bond means we give each other useful information, but at other times it means we have fun (which may include teasing/trolling or not), because life is too short to take everything in life (including the PE exam) too seriously.

*steps off soapbox*

I wonder how I'm going to deal with this if I have to take this exam 2-3 times? May be on your 2nd attempt, you just switch yourself off for 10 weeks. Knowing there is no loophole, nada Zilch. You will know when it is time and by then you are used to infinite patience which is key for passing PE.  This can be very frustrating for repeaters. 

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If the CBT exams are available you indeed failed. Dismissing this loophole gives people a false sense of hope of passing, but certain folks are gonna be in for a rude awakening come next week.


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