In Summary?

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Up at Croton-Harmon today...freaking cold and miserable up here.
Not so good on the other side of the river in Rockland either... Just miserable weather all around !!!
It's pretty nice down here in Houston, 64 deg.
[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Mid ways between you both sun is shining and blue sky! chilly with light jacket[/SIZE]

How is the south east midways between NY and Houston? Unless you drive south then west..

55°? Feels like 24° at the moment...could we a lot worst though so I shouldn't complain too much.

In Summary: As of December 11th 2014 we know nothing.

Here's to hopefully knowing something (anything) tomorrow.

Just got back to civilization from the arctic circle...disappointed not to have gotten results in the time I was there. Since we're discussing was a beautiful -40 with the wind chill up north. Needless to say, I'll be glad to be back to Houston tonight.


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