Dexman PE PMP
Internationally PMP'n his PE-ness
I could move my PC to the living room and hook it up to the TV, I am just too lazy.
+1. Same here. Nothing like 4K gaming!Computer systems for games will always be the leading edge of technology, but I still prefer the feel of the controller in front of my 70" HDTV. I have actually made myself carsick playing with that setup (several months ago playing Skyrim).
Get an HTPC and a wireless 360 controller
That's what I use to play in the living room. KB/Mouse is not practical on the couch.
Good to hear that they've adapted the swordplay. While it's nice to not die in massive sword fights, it was always annoyingly unrealistic that you're fighting 10 guys and they're all waiting their turn to slash at you. Or you're fighting a bunch of soldiers who have you surrounded yet you can turn and parry seamlessly.
Since I'm still on AC II and it might have changed in the later games, is the health system still the same? That is, Doctors posted around the map and you can buy potions/have health restored at a price?
Also good to hear about the additional variety on the side missions. They can get seriously repetitive. Got to say I always hate the race missions though, one slip or climb up something by accident and there goes that run...might as well just die and start over.
Yeah I read a few reviews of AC Unity that weren't entirely favorable. It's a good thing I'm this far behind. They should have the bugs ironed out by the time I get around to playing it. One of the things that really bothered me was the in game purchases feature. Have you ran across it?
minisnick loves the original duck hunt and mario bros. We have it set up in the garage.Found a new game to try...
actually no, he sits in a chair and holds the gun about 2 ft away from the screen.Does he hold the gun right up to the screen? LOL
Fixt.World of Warcraft....played Aion at one time.And the usual phone games....two dots, candy crush, stuff like that. Tried the GoT game on phone...couldn't get into it.