Little things that irritate you

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folks that won't leash their large dogs on a public trail because they're "harmless"

even when asked to

Customers requesting 1:00pm meetings. sure you're only 45min from my office, I'll skip lunch to make sure I'm there on time so I can be told you're still out to lunch...

4:00 Friday meetings downtown because it's the only time everyone's calendar is clear.

There's a reason for that numb nuts. Why don't you plan ahead?

One of the local CVSs redid it's parking lot. Now the whole front of the store is handicapped spots. Makes its a huge PITA.

^ there are still handicap spots in front of the abandoned grocery store that's next to my gym. I always get suckered into thinking there's a space open and The gym is still pretty packed right now and it's impossible to find parking.

^ there are still handicap spots in front of the abandoned grocery store that's next to my gym. I always get suckered into thinking there's a space open and The gym is still pretty packed right now and it's impossible to find parking.
so is a wheelchair on a treadmill even working out? :dunno:

folks that won't leash their large dogs on a public trail because they're "harmless"

even when asked to
I pull out my pocket knife and show it to the pet owner to let him know what happens if their dog comes at me and I don't feel it's "harmless"...

People who think they need to physically touch my monitor to show me where something is.

Ooh. Those are usually the same people who lean on the back of your chair when they are mouth breathing over your head. Then they lean in and poke the monitor.

^ yup. And also will go to certain lengths to just move whatever you have on your desk so they have a spot to sit. long do you plan on staying???

or pick up an autographed baseball that you have on your shelf and start tossing it up in the air playing catch with himself. Like it's not a collector's item or anything. :madgo:

Showing up to a meeting 2 minutes early and then waiting for ten before it starts.
I was meeting my survey crew chief and our boss at a McD's one morning. I got there a half hour early to enjoy some hotcakes & sausage in peace. No sooner do I sit down than the two of them stroll in and sit down next to me. :wave2: Boss says, "Looks like we can start early."
