Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
Less than 2000 posts to go.
by sacrificing aluminum pills to the gods<--- Work day half over for this man
Can wait 4 more hours, then usher in the weekend
but only after SHMBO heads for sacrificing aluminum pills to the gods<--- Work day half over for this man
Can wait 4 more hours, then usher in the weekend
for this is the hour of rest for her Ladyshipbut only after SHMBO heads for sacrificing aluminum pills to the gods<--- Work day half over for this man
Can wait 4 more hours, then usher in the weekend
as for her a 12 hr shift in short stay awaits...for this is the hour of rest for her Ladyshipbut only after SHMBO heads for sacrificing aluminum pills to the gods<--- Work day half over for this man
Can wait 4 more hours, then usher in the weekend
tending the wounds of the wearyas for her a 12 hr shift in short stay awaits...for this is the hour of rest for her Ladyshipbut only after SHMBO heads for sacrificing aluminum pills to the gods<--- Work day half over for this man
Can wait 4 more hours, then usher in the weekend
But for thine, the day will start with a bloody mary and BAC sammichtending the wounds of the wearyas for her a 12 hr shift in short stay awaits...for this is the hour of rest for her Ladyshipbut only after SHMBO heads for sacrificing aluminum pills to the gods<--- Work day half over for this man
Can wait 4 more hours, then usher in the weekend
then off to the range to scatter the ground in brassBut for thine, the day will start with a bloody mary and BAC sammichtending the wounds of the wearyas for her a 12 hr shift in short stay awaits...for this is the hour of rest for her Ladyshipbut only after SHMBO heads for sacrificing aluminum pills to the gods<--- Work day half over for this man
Can wait 4 more hours, then usher in the weekend