Could what's happening in Egypt happen here?

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Is it even possible?

What issues would trigger such riots?

What would be the effects, long and short term?

Is it even possible?
What issues would trigger such riots?

What would be the effects, long and short term?
I think it could happen, but it's not very likely. Despite what the bobbleheads on TV talk about with our nation going down the shitter, it's not any worse than it's ever been. Just because the debt level rises because of a massive economic collapse doesn't mean we'll be in debt forever. We're just seeing the knee jerk reaction in action. That said, if say there was another financial crisis that completely destroyed the economy, I think we could see some political upheaval, but not on the Egypt scale. Think more like Greece earlier last year. I think the major source of problems in these countries that are rioting is corruption and oppression which is far less here than it is there.

I doubt it. Our nation seems to be more content to piss and moan and point fingers at the opposing party than to actually get up and do something about it. After all, we are the world's laziest country.

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I just watched the video advertised ALL over the radio from Let me warn you its no 10 min youtube video. It was about an hour long and the last 15 minutes is a sales pitch, but what he says during the first 45 minutes will have you so scared you'll wet your pants. I have fact checked only a few of the many, many statements made and all of them I checked were accurate. I'm not advertising for them and am not sure I will subscribe because when you google the guy some very shady stuff comes up, but IF he is correct something like Egypt (or worse) WILL occur here soon. I don't have any money to invest or I might just throw away the $49 to see what he suggests, but it does highten my awareness to what I am seeing and hearing every day. I've said to those that would listen in my circle since this "recovery" started taking place in the spring of '09 that there is no reason for a recovery. The stupid medical takeover has always been looming, with the democrats there is always the threat of raising taxes, we are still in 2 very expensive wars (with no end in sight), and the reasons go on and on for a pessimistic outlook. So why did the stock market hit 12,000 this week? I dont know. But he did show a graphic where the EXACT same thing happened during the 30's. Big fall, slight recovery, then an even nastier fall. I don't really know what I can do to minimize a collapse like egypt or greece, but im going to start taking it seriously. I know this makes me sound paranoid, but maybe at least I'll eat good while the rest of the world falls apart.

I just watched the video advertised ALL over the radio from Let me warn you its no 10 min youtube video. It was about an hour long and the last 15 minutes is a sales pitch, but what he says during the first 45 minutes will have you so scared you'll wet your pants. I have fact checked only a few of the many, many statements made and all of them I checked were accurate. I'm not advertising for them and am not sure I will subscribe because when you google the guy some very shady stuff comes up, but IF he is correct something like Egypt (or worse) WILL occur here soon. I don't have any money to invest or I might just throw away the $49 to see what he suggests, but it does highten my awareness to what I am seeing and hearing every day. I've said to those that would listen in my circle since this "recovery" started taking place in the spring of '09 that there is no reason for a recovery. The stupid medical takeover has always been looming, with the democrats there is always the threat of raising taxes, we are still in 2 very expensive wars (with no end in sight), and the reasons go on and on for a pessimistic outlook. So why did the stock market hit 12,000 this week? I dont know. But he did show a graphic where the EXACT same thing happened during the 30's. Big fall, slight recovery, then an even nastier fall. I don't really know what I can do to minimize a collapse like egypt or greece, but im going to start taking it seriously. I know this makes me sound paranoid, but maybe at least I'll eat good while the rest of the world falls apart.
Funny, I watched that yesterday. I think it is a scam where he keeps stringing you along with $49 to see his next "secret", which doesn't actually tell you the "secret", but for another $49 you might get closer to his "secret." I do agree with his premise that we have gone beyond the point of no return regarding our debt, though. Our current debt is $127,380/taxpayer ( I truly believe that our day of reckoning is coming, and probably soon. I recommend everyone watch the video, but don't buy the scam.

Is it even possible?
What issues would trigger such riots?

What would be the effects, long and short term?


I believe the primary difference between the United States and Egypt is that American males grow up playing baseball. With that background, we realize the folly of flinging 3-ounce rocks at tanks and other armored vehicles.

yes i do think its a scam but as momech said its the facts he presents about the current state of the union that got my panties in a bunch.

yes i do think its a scam but as momech said its the facts he presents about the current state of the union that got my panties in a bunch.

since you brought it up are you bikini or granny panties wearing guy?

I vote for gold man thong.


Funny, I watched that yesterday. I think it is a scam where he keeps stringing you along with $49 to see his next "secret", which doesn't actually tell you the "secret", but for another $49 you might get closer to his "secret." I do agree with his premise that we have gone beyond the point of no return regarding our debt, though. Our current debt is $127,380/taxpayer ( I truly believe that our day of reckoning is coming, and probably soon. I recommend everyone watch the video, but don't buy the scam.

I dont think we're beyond the point of no return, that's pretty dismal. Government financial accounting is a bit like an MC Escher drawing where if you rotate the paper, you'll see something different. There's always ways of doing creative math to fix the problems. My guess is we'll do a lot of slashing and then dip into that old slush fund we call Social Security and presto changeo, all our debt is gone. In a few years we'll have a debate in Congress about Social Security being broke and what do you know, we'll have to raise the SS contribution percentage to fix it. But just dont call it a tax increase, that'll get you voted out of office.

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I bet the Romans thought that their great empire was immune to collapse too...too big to fail, perhaps. Bit collapse they has every world superpower in recorded history. The US can absolutely collapse, and the second we believe it can't is when the fat lady will sing.

I bet if the Romans had a fleet of C5's, satellite communications, and AR15's, they probably would not have fallen. ;) I have a feeling they just stretched themselves too thin. An interesting read is the autobiography of Julius Cesar. It opened my non-military eyes to the logistical problem of moving a military during the days of horses. Imagine the supply lines. Imagine soldiers showing up and stripping the land and livestock bare. Eventually it has to give out, because you just can't move enough goods by horse.

I will agree, we're in a pickle though. Too many people want a handout, too many people just want easy street. Don't want to work. Many Americans lack the motivation to actually accomplish something in their lives.

Social Security will be gone by the time I think about retiring, I have no doubt. And I wouldn't be surprised when they want to absorb 401k accounts in to Social Security. That'll be a domino that really pushes a lot of buttons. At that moment, I'll withdraw my 401k and spend it on ammunition and canned goods.

My guess is we'll do a lot of slashing and then dip into that old slush fund we call Social Security and presto changeo, all our debt is gone.
If we had $13 trillion in the slush fund, I don't think anyone would be concerned that it was going broke.

Maybe Chucktown got so worried about the demise of the US he went off the grid and is living in a bunker somewhere and that's why we never hear from him anymore.

I sort of doubt it though.

At the time, the Romans had the largest and most technically advanced army in history...much like the US today. I would also like to point out that we are currently fighting wars on multiple fronts around the world. Plus, we are fighting a worldwide guerilla war with "invisible" terrists.

I don't think it was lack of military might or over-reaching of the empire that eventually brought the Romans down. It was hubris that they would never collapse that eventually led to their collapse.

My guess is we'll do a lot of slashing and then dip into that old slush fund we call Social Security and presto changeo, all our debt is gone.
If we had $13 trillion in the slush fund, I don't think anyone would be concerned that it was going broke.
Thats why I said we'll do it with a lot of slashing. Regardless, there are going to have to be cuts.
