Would you buy a murder house?

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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Would you buy a house where you knew a murder occurred?

What would you do if you owned a house and found at that at some point in the distant past, a murder or murders had occurred there?

Is it haunted? Does it have a secret staircase up to the organ loft?

I've told the story before about my mom growing up in a murder house, complete with blood stains in the hardwood floors.

There's no fricking way I'd live in a murder house! Call me crazy, but when we looked for homes I made sure to pause in each one to see what the vibe was in the house. My parents' house has a uneasy feeling in the basement (that other people have noticed too) and I wasn't going to pay money on a creepy house.

If it was a house that met all of my wants, was a screaming deal, and I'd have never known unless somebody told me, then absolutely. I've got a dog that can chase away any prospective ghosts should the need arise.

I'd agree w/ Supe, if I didn't know the person, it was the house that I really wanted and it was a super deal, I'd do it...although, if you watch American Horror story season 1, it is totally about this exact senario and it's a pretty freaky show!

Call me crazy, but when we looked for homes I made sure to pause in each one to see what the vibe was in the house. My parents' house has a uneasy feeling in the basement (that other people have noticed too) and I wasn't going to pay money on a creepy house.
I did too!

I'd consider buying a murder house at a rock-bottom price for the land, then demo it and build a brand new house. We'd consecrate the land before pouring the foundation, obviously.

Ugghh, I have started looking for my first house, now I have something else to worry about too.... They don't put murders on the sellers disclosure forms do they? haha

Call me crazy, but when we looked for homes I made sure to pause in each one to see what the vibe was in the house. My parents' house has a uneasy feeling in the basement (that other people have noticed too) and I wasn't going to pay money on a creepy house.
I did too!

I'd consider buying a murder house at a rock-bottom price for the land, then demo it and build a brand new house. We'd consecrate the land before pouring the foundation, obviously.
But until you started digging the foundation you wouldn't know if they just moved the headstones but not the bodies. At that point you'd own it.

Ugghh, I have started looking for my first house, now I have something else to worry about too.... They don't put murders on the sellers disclosure forms do they? haha
Actually, in some states, it is a legal requirement to do so as a "material fact", though some have a statue of limitations on them.

Ugghh, I have started looking for my first house, now I have something else to worry about too.... They don't put murders on the sellers disclosure forms do they? haha
Actually, in some states, it is a legal requirement to do so as a "material fact", though some have a statue of limitations on them.
Some states require disclosure of a 'haunting' too.

I'm reasonably sure that someone died of old age in our house, but don't really know.

The question came up because we had a neighbor that died and her daughter came back to live in the house. I asked my wife, "What would you think if she said, 'I'm surprised y'all bought that house seeing that two people were murdered in it.?'"

Not that she did, but it started an interesting discussion.

My aunt lives in a house where the two previous owners both committed suicide, one in the house, one years after owning it. I kid her about the house's track record.

Is it haunted? Does it have a secret staircase up to the organ loft?

The Ghost & Mr. Chicken?
