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On a (barely) related note, did I tell you guys I finally beat Call of Duty - Finest Hour on PS2?  I had been playing that game for literally 8+ years.  It was the case where I'd be all in to it, beat several levels...... but then get stuck on a ball-breaker level and put the game down for a year or more.  Then decide to bust it out again, maybe beat a few more levels, get stuck on a ball-breaker, shelve the game.  Repeat.  Well, anyway, I finally made myself pick it back up and stick with it.  Finished 'er off about 3-4 months ago.  Pretty good game. 


[mention=22700]MetsFan[/mention], have you seen this yet? I'm behind but I've been wanting to have another more portable dock for the Switch without having to buy a duplicate Nintendo one (which is like $70!). This will be a nice alternative and should also fit in the carrying case I have.
I did, Nyko has one too for $45. Some of the reviews scare me though. For the Nyko one, people said it messed up their charging port and had to get Nintendo to fix it. I do want to get another dock though.
In other gaming news, I upgraded my 770 to a 1060 on my gaming PC.  What a difference!  I can play most games at ultra graphics while still getting at least 60 FPS.  

In honor of the upgrade, I picked up Overwatch and Destiny 2 since they were on sale.  

[mention=22700]MetsFan[/mention], have you seen this yet? I'm behind but I've been wanting to have another more portable dock for the Switch without having to buy a duplicate Nintendo one (which is like $70!). This will be a nice alternative and should also fit in the carrying case I have.
I did, Nyko has one too for $45. Some of the reviews scare me though. For the Nyko one, people said it messed up their charging port and had to get Nintendo to fix it. I do want to get another dock though.
Initially I was intrigued by that Nyko one when Gizmodo announced it a few months back. But now reading reviews like you, I'm not ready to make a purchase from Nyko just yet (a docking station that requires a firmware upgrade???). The adapter I linked above seems to be much more compact and versatile and also works out of the box. That's good enough for me for a mobile docking solution.

In other gaming news, I upgraded my 770 to a 1060 on my gaming PC.  What a difference!  I can play most games at ultra graphics while still getting at least 60 FPS.  

In honor of the upgrade, I picked up Overwatch and Destiny 2 since they were on sale.  
@Supe, take notes on the video card upgrade. :thumbs:

Sticking with the 760 for now with room to upgrade later since I'm not doing any gaming and keeping costs down.  When the 4K/VR becomes a necessity, I'll plop down the cash.

Sticking with the 760 for now with room to upgrade later since I'm not doing any gaming and keeping costs down.  When the 4K/VR becomes a necessity, I'll plop down the cash.
Understood. Mostly just for reference for you to see what kind of jump to make in the NVidia series.

I'm playing Destiny 2 on xb1

I'm way better than I expected to be...which is still terrible, but hey at least I'm killing things. 

I've been playing a lot of Destiny 2 recently.  It is a fun game, but I don't know if I want to invest in the DLC yet.  Zelda's new DLC also came out last night so I will be playing that this weekend.  

Does anyone have Battlefront 2?  I have $50 in MS store gift cards, so I'm debating picking it up again.  I had it pre-ordered, but cancelled after the whole reddit vs. EA debacle.  

Each Christmas it is tradition to purchase for my dad whatever the latest installment of whatever game he's playing is out with. For years it was Tomb Raider and it's now mostly been Call of Duty. I've always just bought them at Target, because it's handy. 

This year I think I essentially purchased an empty box, because it's just a download code. 


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