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The people in my office who took the FE gottheir letters last week in my neck of the woods. I am really frustrated. I emailed them again today as well, no response as of yet.

my fellow engineers,

I recieved a response from DPOR, here it goes,


I am so sorry but we are still having some difficulties with the format posting to the individual records. I’m eagerly waiting as well. All of my superiors are well aware of the problem and they are working as fast as they can to solve the issue. I will definitely let you know. Again, I am so sorry for the delay.

that is what they say as of 5:02 PM ET today. Mabey next week.

well, I emailed them back and within minutes got the following response:


Thanks for the response,

Is there any idea of a time-frame at this point?

DPOR Response:

As of minutes ago, I called the IS Department and they told me that they were now testing the format posting before going live. They are hoping by Friday this will be resolved.

well, I emailed them back and within minutes got the following response:

Thanks for the response,

Is there any idea of a time-frame at this point?

DPOR Response:

As of minutes ago, I called the IS Department and they told me that they were now testing the format posting before going live. They are hoping by Friday this will be resolved.
Come Friday they will say next week. I was kidding about the superbowl thing. I hope they don't make that come true.

I know sandman, I know. I feel ya! This whole thing stinks. All this time and money I invested, and now it comes down to technical difficulties. uggghhhh!

As of this evening , no letter received (in Richmond) from DPOR. :angry: :angry: :angry:

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No surprise. Below is a reply I received last week... They are just repeating the same reply again and again.

".... Our IS department is working on it and hopefully the scores will be posted by the end of this week...."

What date is the super bowl this year? :madgo:

I'm glad I get to have you guys on here complaining about this process with me and saying how :censored: up it is. Makes me feel better to have others feeling my pain. I know, that's sad.

DPOR, hurry up and send me this ----> :rtft: .

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In an e-mail reply to my colleague yesterday, DPOR stated it could take up to 10 business days for letter!

Lord, have mercy!


In an e-mail reply to my colleague yesterday, DPOR stated it could take up to 10 business days for letter! Lord, have mercy!

Too bad 10 days ago, they said 7-10 days. I beleive that this is their standard boiler plate answer, simply stated, leave us alone for a week so we can take our 4 day weekends and 2 hour lunch breaks.

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I give up - can't stand it here anymore. I have commenced blanketing Richmond in an avalanche of Me, PE resumes.

I don't think it's worth sending emails to DPOR. You would get either one of three replies anyway: "7-10 days", "by next week" or "by the end of this week/Friday" My collogue passed OCT 2011 exam in MD already had his registration processed, his stamp/pad are on its way and his expense report is being processed…. I have nothing but a piece of paper saying I passed.

For the past two October exams, results were on DPOR site the first week of January, letters in havd second week. Both April exams were mid June. Why are we almost done with the third week of January without it and at best are looking at the fourth week. Hell, for all we know, the technical difficulties will never end.

Day 83 since the exam.....................please, please upload our names, send the letter........Do you need me to come do it for you, I volunteer to help.

You know, this really is only as bad as you make it. You already know that you passed. Even those that have a bonus/reiumbursement on hold-what, do you have a relative that needs surgery and they can't get it until you get your bonus?

I agree, it's terrible that it's taken this long, but I don't think we need to get our pitchforks out just yet.

uuuugggghhh! DPOR site is back up, they added a couple more names, but not those of us from VA. I had big hopes for today, this is so frustrating.
It has been three weeks today since NCEES released results. I mean really, is it that f'ing hard. :brickwall: :deadhorse:
At least you got your results that early, I had to wait until the 5th to get mine.
I should have taken the exam in another state. Perhaps I would already be a Virginia PE then by comity. :smileyballs:

You know, this really is only as bad as you make it. You already know that you passed. Even those that have a bonus/reiumbursement on hold-what, do you have a relative that needs surgery and they can't get it until you get your bonus?
I agree, it's terrible that it's taken this long, but I don't think we need to get our pitchforks out just yet.

no sick relative, but i get a $100 "bonus" on each paycheck with a pe, and i've now had TWO pay periods pass me by since i don't have an official pe license number for hr... so yeah. i need that site updated before i lose out on more money!

I should have taken the exam in another state. Perhaps I would already be a Virginia PE then by comity. :smileyballs:
That's what I thought and just realize that I have never done a single project in Virginia anyway. MD has updated their database this week and even CA did theirs last week. Can we send those idlers in Richmond to MD so they can learn how to do it?

I actually got a letter from DPOR today! However, it was regarding NCEES registration. I think it was the letter they sent out after you were approved, telling you to register with NCEES for the test. I called and got someone on the phone. They had no idea how it got to me, or why it was sent. She told me to ignore it. However, for the 10 minutes between receiving the letter and learning that it was sent mistakenly, I was rather concerned.

This one finally sent me over the top. I declare shenanigans! Everybody get your brooms!


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