time change

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Who is that?
You never saw the exorcist ?? Linda Blair played the demonized little girl known for (amongst other things) violent, projectile vomiting.



Oh ewww. No, I don't watch scary movies.

That is not too far from accurate. That was a rough day. I was *actually* green. I didn't know it was possible...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! That picture was scary. Brought memories of the scene where she crawls down the stairs backwards. Was about to sign-off and go to bed. Now I'm just looking over my shoulder and praying.

^^^ Women In Prision - a genre of films that look at the .. not so nice side of women's prisons.

I only vaguely remember my dad watching these - I was pretty young back then leading me to believe that Capt Worley is older than ... WIPs! :eek:hmy:


Best WIP was Reform School Girls. It had the inimitable Wendy O. Williams and featured the tag line, "So young. So bad. So what?"

And you knew at some point of the WIP film, that all the inmates would be gathere in a room and hosed down with a fire hose. Now THAT'S entertainment.

Best WIP was Reform School Girls. It had the inimitable Wendy O. Williams and featured the tag line, "So young. So bad. So what?"
And you knew at some point of the WIP film, that all the inmates would be gathere in a room and hosed down with a fire hose. Now THAT'S entertainment.

I definately feel you on this! I feel really jet lagged for some odd reason! The great thing about the time change is that street b-ball season is coming back! :party-smiley-048:
