Those darn kids

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Jun 15, 2006
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So BabyNelli is a year now doing new cute things everyday.....

Share your kiddo stories here! I want to hear all about what those 2-5 year olds say that make you think "WTF??!!"

BabyNelli has been saying mama, dada, nana, baba for a while now, but recently learned the word "hi" and says it with a smile and wave to everyone she meets, makes my heart melt!!

My middle daughter who is now 5 and is a classic "middle child" had a great line when she did something she wasn't supposed to and we questioned her:

"You get what you get and you don't get upset."

mini-mizzou is almost 2 and has already figured out the TV. We have the Uverse, to watch tv (Nick JR, always on) he pushes the power button on the tv, then grabs the remote and sits down and hits the "ok" button on it. This usually turns on the Uverse and his shows are on. If its not on his channel he will chase down one of us and say "TEEEE" "TEEEE!!" until one of us changes the channel for him.

He also turns the tv off whenever we say its time to go play outside, time to eat, time for a nap, or time for a bath.

my kids, 3 1/2 & 5 (boy / girl respectively) have been on a big superheroes kick lately. A couple weeks ago, my wife asks daughter '[name] pick out some cereal for breakfast'. To which daughter responds, "you mean wonderwoman pick out your cereal?" To which wife says yes wonderwoman, pick out your cereal please.

my son says that too. I wondered where it came from.

My son (almost 5) loves the Transformers. He has seen just about every show/movie with them. Every once in a while he'll act like one. He'll walk into the room and say, "Hey dad, I'm transforming into a truck" and then proceed to fold his arms, legs, etc until he's a ball on the floor all while attempting to make the hydraulic sounds from the movie.

I always heard it: you get what you get... and you don't throw a fit.

My daughter learned it in preschool.

As for stories, we should write down more of these, because memories are fleeting.

My almost 2YO also has the Tv figured out, and just learned the "mine" word - uses it regularly, except it sounds like "nine!". If we have the TV on and it's something he want's to watch, he'll try to steal the remote from you and then if you try to take it back... NINE!!!!

If junior doesn't want to take a bath, she'll talk in a robot voice and go "I CAN NOT TAKE A BATH. THE WATER WILL MAKE MY LEGS RUST."

My wife was took the boys to the Newport Aquarium today so they came and met me for of the perks of working at home again as opposed to 100 miles away. Apparently there was a battle over getting our 2 1/2 yo dressed this morning as he wanted to dress himself. Wasn't too hard to figure out who won that fight when they showed up and he was wearing shorts, one glove, a fleece pullover, and snow boots.

My 4 year old is into Wall-E right now. He loves that movie. And he does a great Wall-E impression where he folds up into a box.

My 2 year old girl's favorite thing to say is "No, I can do it myself." She says that any time I attempt to wash her hair, feed her, put on her shoes, etc.

My 4 year old is a constant barrel of laughs. Unfortunately I can't remember all of the funny stuff.

It's nice having kids old enough to operate their own TV. My kids have their own "living room" complete with a TV, DVD player, and a rack full of DVD's. They have 2 choices when they want to watch something, it's either NickJr or a movie and they have to put it in themselves. As soon as we see that they're not watching what they "wanted", then the TV is shut off for the day and they go play somewhere else.

I had my son on my shoulders when he was about 3. All of a sudden he says "Daddy you have a hole in your hair." I said "where?" and he smacked my bald spot and "Right there!" cute kid.

My 3yr old daughter has the cutest little voice, but her annunciation is horrible. We've gotten into the habit of forcing her to say it properly before we acknowledge what she's said.

The only thing we haven't really been able to get her to correctly say is Thank You. She says it all the time, but it comes out tink-oo. It's too damn cute.

My 3yr old daughter has the cutest little voice, but her annunciation is horrible. We've gotten into the habit of forcing her to say it properly before we acknowledge what she's said.
The only thing we haven't really been able to get her to correctly say is Thank You. She says it all the time, but it comes out tink-oo. It's too damn cute.
Junior was the same way with certain words. B's and V's particularly. Bunny rabbit used to be funny rabbit, and Valentines Day was Balentines Day. I'm big on teaching her to speak correctly, so we would help her sound it out. She would really get caught up on making it right for a while, so she would say "Vvvvvvvvvvvvvalentines Day" and "BUNny rabbit", the latter sounding like a gunshot went off from the way she popped the B.

yeah, my daughter is the same way with B's and V's. Funny part is that our son's name is Kevin, which always comes out Kebin. My son still has the issues with the B/V thing on occasion.

The best part about having young kids is when they learn a new word and how to use it in context. Last week my son learned "discusting." From that part on, any semblance of a mess he encountered was discusting

My 6yo son is really into plankton lately - the real microscopic creatures, not the Spongebob character. He brings back books from the school library (he has a very supportive aide), watches relevant portions of the Blue Planet DVDs over and over, and surfs Youtube for plankton videos.

Lately he has been walking around the house, or McDonalds, or wherever we are, with his hands right under his chin and his fingers fluttering like crazy. He says he is a plankton.

My kids stumble over words like backpack or popcorn. Invariably they call them pack-pack and cop-corn.

My niece's first words were Bob-bob (i.e. Spongebob). My sister refused to write it in her baby book as her first words until she said mama or dada.
