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Mar 24, 2010
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For those who have taken the exam previously (or those who haven't but know)-

What is the mix between quick answer and calculation problems? I assume that all questions do not involve calculations, but was curious as to the mix.

Any other test advice is welcome.

Thank you.

You should expect to do mostly calculations with a few look-ups. Just know your references and where to find the eqn's you need. The morning calcs are pretty straight forward. In the afternoon, the trick is to read the entire question and then underline what the question is really asking. I thought there were a lot of "fillers" in the afternoon questions. Good luck.

You should expect to do mostly calculations with a few look-ups. Just know your references and where to find the eqn's you need. The morning calcs are pretty straight forward. In the afternoon, the trick is to read the entire question and then underline what the question is really asking. I thought there were a lot of "fillers" in the afternoon questions. Good luck.
Most people I know took the water/enviro depth exam and they said that the enviro questions were the ones were a bit more difficult simply because they hardly do any enviro work in their jobs. That being said, you're not expected to be an expert in every topic listed in the test plan - just about 75%.

Know your unit conversions and where to find equations. Kings tables are handy to fast-track solving for symmetrical hydraulics problems.

From what I recall, the reference questions cover about 20% of the exam, but it is mostly calculations.

Good luck! Cal Expo isn't the most ideal place to take an exam, but if you feel you've studied as much as you can, then you're in good shape.

For those who have taken the exam previously (or those who haven't but know)-
What is the mix between quick answer and calculation problems? I assume that all questions do not involve calculations, but was curious as to the mix.

Any other test advice is welcome.

Thank you.
One of my classmates took the Water resources and Enviromental, told me she used this conversion a lot: 8.34 lb/[(mg/l)MG to convert (mg/lL)(MG/day) to lbs/day.

These conversions are in the front of the CERM, but I have found a few questions where this conversion saved some time.

Good Luck

in the morning if u are doing lot of calculations means something wrong
