PE Results - some are released

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Well, it's something. New Yorkers can probably relax for a few days, but it looks like we're gonna be before Christmas at least.

Thank you for contacting the New York State Board for Engineering and Land Surveying.
Within the next week or so. Check the NCEES website.

We hope this information is helpful.
Is there anything special any of the state boards do to verify the results other than sitting together and having a ceremonial vote to accept the NCEES results?

Is there anything special any of the state boards do to verify the results other than sitting together and having a ceremonial vote to accept the NCEES results?
I know it's not like they are going to decide to throw the results out or something. Typical bureaucrats meeting for the sake of meeting.

Is there anything special any of the state boards do to verify the results other than sitting together and having a ceremonial vote to accept the NCEES results?
I know it's not like they are going to decide to throw the results out or something. Typical bureaucrats meeting for the sake of meeting.
Which, in my not so humble opinion, is ridiculous.

Well, it's something. New Yorkers can probably relax for a few days, but it looks like we're gonna be before Christmas at least.

Thank you for contacting the New York State Board for Engineering and Land Surveying.
Within the next week or so. Check the NCEES website.

We hope this information is helpful.
Yea I figured New York would be one of the last states to receive the results. At least I can be sort of productive for the rest of today.

I called the Missouri Board a few minutes ago and the lady informed me that they had received the results, however she couldn't tell me specifically when the meeting would happen for them to be approved. She stated that she thought it would be soon. In other words, Missourians can probably stop frantically clicking the refresh button for today. Sorry folks.
Thanks for the update. Will close the brower and attempt to work...
Thank you for checking with the board...<sigh>...

My NCEES just asked me to update my registration status and then when i tried to exit out all it says now is

Your profile has been updated. Click here to view your registration status.

I click and nothing happens. I hope this isnt a bad sign

From Florida btw.
Same here. I just deleted my cookies and went back to the front page and that seemed to fix it.

So for the FL people, do you think that if we get to 5pm EST with no scores, we will have to wait until tomorrow?
I would say yes. Some guys from years prior said that the NCEES website will continue to update until 5:30. Who knows.

Around this time yesterday there was a flurry of states released. I'm hoping for the same thing today but not holding my breath.

Around this time yesterday there was a flurry of states released. I'm hoping for the same thing today but not holding my breath.
the rate of new state results seems to have slowed considerably...

hoping for another "flurry" today

I talked to the Florida board of PE today. I was told that they approved the tests today and it is now up to the NCEES to release the results. I expect the results today or tomorrow.

I talked to the Florida board of PE today. I was told that they approved the tests today and it is now up to the NCEES to release the results. I expect the results today or tomorrow.

Just threw up in my mouth... :( least you have a good idea of when they might come...all I know is that VA results will be available on but I have no idea if they have been approved yet least you have a good idea of when they might come...all I know is that VA results will be available on but I have no idea if they have been approved yet
I called VA and was caught off guard by her answer. She said "after the first of the year." I didn't question it, but I should have. I'll probably call again tomorrow and ask why since they have the results, unless someone else here does it first.


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