October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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You are probably correct, but I have snacks stockpiled like it is a city...yet, only I live in this shining beacon of corn chips and Cheetos support lines. Which is not helpful for my waistline.

@LyceeFruit Oh ya.  Diet culture scares me, whether it's middle-aged women or scary buff guys trying to drop weight.  I have been slooooowly losing weight by doing gym stuff and I'm kinda...I think I'm going to keep at that and lie to their face and say I'm dieting too.  Tbh, they were all like "We're going to start January 6th instead of January 1st, since you can't start dieting on a Wednesday and need to start on a Monday", and in my head I was like, "If you were really serious about this, you'd start today and struggle through the holidays like I will be".
I hope this wedding will be your only encounter with them. These aren't people I'd care to spend any amount of time with.

I don't think you should lie, personally I'd tell them to eff off and keep their toxic diet mindset to themselves but that's me. But maybe if you're honest, you could help flip a switch in them (if you have the mental capacity to deal with that) and they could see how awful diet culture is

I think it's time to break out one of my favorite emoji from our selection:

:waitwall: :waitwall: :waitwall:

I hope this wedding will be your only encounter with them. These aren't people I'd care to spend any amount of time with.

I don't think you should lie, personally I'd tell them to eff off and keep their toxic diet mindset to themselves but that's me. But maybe if you're honest, you could help flip a switch in them (if you have the mental capacity to deal with that) and they could see how awful diet culture is
Eh, I think they're fine/normal people.  I think they're just getting excited about the wedding?  I stepped into the MoH role and am throwing a ton of info at them, and I think 'measuring' for the dresses made them...all realize that Thanksgiving is over, New Years is coming, and the belly is expanding.

As for lying, we'll see if they even remember the diet plan once we're past New Years?  I don't live near them, and we're going to meet up and do a 'girls lunch' so we can all meet when I go home at the end of the month.  Tbh, I think some are 'heavy' like I am, so it's a way of kinda using this event as an excuse to start working out?

Adulty topic: budgets, specifically food budgets.

This is the year I actually budget. Because I live in a 600 sq ft house and have an awful driveway so I'd like to be able to buy something larger in 2-3 years. And the So. ME housing market is awful.

So I'm thinking 400$/mo for 2 adults is reasonable? I'm going to be buy less red meat from the grocery store and switch to buying local. I'm also going to cut down on how much I buy/cook. Eventually, I'll make the transition for poultry as well. But I want to buy more local produce as well - not everything is possible as Boyfriend loves grapes and I'm fairly certain I've never seen them at the farmers market. 

I'll be tracking it for the next few months to see whats what.

What do you spend? on how many? Where? Do you prioritize local? 

Top triple post?

:bananalama: :th_rockon: :waitwall:

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Adulty topic: budgets, specifically food budgets.

This is the year I actually budget. Because I live in a 600 sq ft house and have an awful driveway so I'd like to be able to buy something larger in 2-3 years. And the So. ME housing market is awful.

So I'm thinking 400$/mo for 2 adults is reasonable? I'm going to be buy less red meat from the grocery store and switch to buying local. I'm also going to cut down on how much I buy/cook. Eventually, I'll make the transition for poultry as well. But I want to buy more local produce as well - not everything is possible as Boyfriend loves grapes and I'm fairly certain I've never seen them at the farmers market. 

I'll be tracking it for the next few months to see whats what.

What do you spend? on how many? Where? Do you prioritize local? 
Bam bam bam.  Here is the JK low-down on their budget:

Does your food budget include eating out, or will that be a separate line item?  I currently spend around $150 to $200/month historically for me as a single person.  This has been really inflated the last couple of months due to moving/having to restock my whole kitchen with staples and random items I didn't think I needed (until, surprise, I needed them).  I purchase a lot of my 'standard' food from Costco: apples, grape tomatoes, grapes, quinoa salad, kale salad, eggs, ultra-pasteurized milk (it lasts so long), and bulk meat.  Though Costco is usually a higher $/lb than my normal grocery for meat, the ground beef is leaner, the chicken breasts are more normal-sized/looking, and I've never had a bad steak from there.  I also like that I can purchase salmon for way cheaper there, or have the pre-packaged meals (though the salt is much higher).  A lot of stuff at Costco is organic, so I pay more upfront, but stuff doesn't seem to go bad as quickly.

I have slowly transitioned to more of a 'veggie' diet, not because I don't like meat/preparing it, but because it is easier to make veggie dishes when I am tired and supplement with a protein shake.  I also haven't bought any bread recently.  Have a loaf in my freezer for a once in a while sandwich, but I've taken to eating more salads.  Loose veggies/smaller quantities of veggies that I don't buy at Costco I tend to buy at Meijer or the local Asian market.  Def check out local 'ethnic' markets, veggies will be cheaper, larger, and usually taste much better.  I would try the meat next time, but I don't go through it as quickly as I used to since I buy larger family packs and then portion out into 1-lb sizes before freezing.

For farmers markets...they don't seem to be a big thing here in Indiana?  Or they seem more craft-based than food-based.  When I was in NY/LI, I actually joined a CSA farmshare.  Was money-upfront, which was a bit sizable, but I was able to do a payment plan over three months and got a ton of veggies.  Def look into that at least for the summer to supplement your food.  Worked out to paying like $23/week upfront, but the veggies were easily worth something like $40+/week and came from an organic farm.  I do try to prioritize local, if possible, but Indiana makes it kinda difficult here without a drive.  I'd only buy local if it's something you will def eat/can maybe bargain for larger amounts?

Does your food budget include eating out, or will that be a separate line item?  
Separate line item - currently set at 100$ [maybe it should be higher but we switch who pays]

 Def check out local 'ethnic' markets, veggies will be cheaper, larger, and usually taste much better.
In the hunt for Halal sprinkles, I wandered into one of our "ethnic" markets and there was no produce at this one. I'm not sure we have any Asian markets here. Mostly Halal Markets , I will check out the biggest one tho.

For farmers markets...they don't seem to be a big thing here in Indiana?  Or they seem more craft-based than food-based.  When I was in NY/LI, I actually joined a CSA farmshare.  Was money-upfront, which was a bit sizable, but I was able to do a payment plan over three months and got a ton of veggies.  Def look into that at least for the summer to supplement your food.  Worked out to paying like $23/week upfront, but the veggies were easily worth something like $40+/week and came from an organic farm.  I do try to prioritize local, if possible, but Indiana makes it kinda difficult here without a drive.  I'd only buy local if it's something you will def eat/can maybe bargain for larger amounts?
I had a CSA last summer and I'm going to look at it again for this summer but from a different farmer. I LOVE my farmer and her produce, it keeps so well. But it has too much kale (I don't like kale, Boyfriend refuses to eat it), I don't care for kohlrabi and I ended up with 6 this season. the price is great, it's also about 25$/wk for un-certified organic. I'm going to look at the farms that let you pick your own veggies from their stand at the weekly market so I can avoid kohlrabi. We're also going to have a garden in the backyard. And we should restart the basement hydroponics here soon... 

We don't have CostCo here and I don't have a Sam's Club or BJs membership anymore. 

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