My Resume

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Sep 8, 2008
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Hello, everyone. I am a master student in transportation engineering. I will graduate next May. And I begin to prepare my resume for job hunting. Here is my resume. Please give me some advices. Thank you. :p

In addition, I have a question about the course projects. Is this an important part? I think some of them are really good projects, such as replan signal timing plan. But if I listed them, my resume will be more than one page.

Welcome! - off the cuff:

expand / elaborate on your objective - nothing wrong w/ listing specifics here, and definitely throw a little more passion / desire into this opening statement.

lose the extracurricular stuff - you're a soon-to-be master's grad, not a summer intern - good luck!

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I agree, expand the objective. What kind of company would you like to work for... what location? What types of projects would you like to work on? Aim high.

Also, "Insititute" should be Institute... spelling errors are a huge reason that resumes end up in the circular file (trash can).

As for the one page limit... I've always ignored that, and I only have a bachelors! I think if you have enough pertinent information to fill more than one page, go for it. BUT, if the only things on page 2 are extracurricular activities, skip it.

Finally, make sure you have your name and contact information at the top (I know you probably took that stuff off to post the resume here).

It's a good start. You would probably be able to get a job with just this.

But to make it even better, the other suggestions here are great.

I wouldn't worry too much about the one page limit, but don't make it too long.

What really helps is if you can come up with some numbers on how your work improved things or achieved some numeric goal (money is also a good one). People like to see the tangible results of your work. If you can come up with some estimates of what types of traffic congestion you improved (I know nothing about traffic metrics, but maybe you can estimate how much time you saved people getting in or out, or how you benefited your customer in some other way). This doesn't have to be precise, there is no way for them to verify every detail.. Just so long as it is reasonable and you can justify your number.

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I'm not a big fan of the generic objective section of a resume. I would rather see that in a cover letter tailored to the company and position that you apply for, and why you are the best person for the job.

good luck!

Thank you for your advices.

I will retouch my objective. And if there is a specific position I will apply, I think I need to write a cover letter.
