Movie thread

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Is that the Game of Thrones chick in the middle?
It is...


I saw two recent action movies on blu-ray this weekend that I thought were better than John Wick: Jack Reacher 2 and The Accountant.  Both had great action plus an actual plot and character development.  I honestly don't see what the big deal about John Wick is.  
Haven't seen the 2nd John Wick movie yet, but I'm guessing it's more of the same mindless shoot-em-up stuff like the first one.  I already saw those other two and really liked them.

I will have to go back and watch that, I thought I had read that a lot of the nude scenes the Hollywood types do are all doubles..

Maybe she doesn't want to go the way of Phoebe Cates!

She actually put a clause in her renewed contract with GoT that prohibits her from performing any more nude scenes.

The nerve of some people.
But she then volunteered to do the nude scene near the end of season 6...

I wish I had done a nude scene when I was young, it would be fun to go back and look at in your 50's and just be like "damn".....

Work has been really busy and I don't really go online anymore outside of Facebook. I've been trying to log in at least once a day for the past week or so, but even then is hard to find the time to read through all this.

I watched Hacksaw Ridge on Amazon the other night.  Great story about someone sticking to his guns (figuratively only) to the extreme, and a great story about heroism and courage.  Brutal, graphic war violence though.  Truly horrific.  hard to say that anything like that could be uplifting, but it kind of was....

Have the house to myself this weekend and the weather was pretty crappy so I caught up on some movies.

I generally have to see a movie through but I came real close to putting a stop to "Assasins Creed" about halfway through. Didn't think much of it, but I suppose I'm not the demographic they're shooting for...20- something baristas living in their parents basement.

"Passengers" was pretty good, but after it was over I realized that I had been tricked into watching what was basically a chick flick by making it a sci-fi movie.

"Dr. Strange" didn't really do much for me. It was free so I'm not complaining but it was a little weird. 
