Mechanical do you think you did?

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Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina
Ok, if you had to guess, how many of the 80 do you think you got right???

Come on guys...give us your gut feeling here....

Finally I can post in here. I did a similar response before and I am going to post here again.

I think that I did 50-50 chance to pass and fail. (I did mechanical - thermal and fluid). In the morning I did around 18 question right, 14 question 50-50 and 8 in all educated quess. In the afternoon that I did 18 question right, 12 question 50-50 and educated quess for 10 questions......If I add up then I will only have 36 correct, 26 question 50-50, and 18 question in educational guessing (all those number is approx.).....I feel so sad now for not passing the test this time....

I saw a lot of people bring and use the text book in the PE exam, but is it really helping to pass?

Howevr, I only use my MERM and sample questions in binder (I rearrage all my samples in a binder with the answer beside the question).

I took in CA and I will have my answer in 18 weeks = 3 months!

By the way if I can pass this time around that I will share my experience with everybody in here. But during the mean time can people give me some suggestions?

I took the MD depth. As I mentioned before, this was my third attempt and I studied my ass off for all three (maybe 900 hours total). I have missed it with a 65 and then a 68. I was even better organized for this attempt. So how did I do? Put it this way, not as well as I wanted. For me the morning was more difficult than the afternoon. For me it is really just a time issue and not a technical issue as I know how to work the problems it just takes me longer than some I guess. I could have used another hour in both the morning and afternoon. I did finish but just barley and did not have time to review or check my work. To be honest it could go either way.

Even though this is my first post I've been looking around for a while. I thought I did very well on the test (T&F afternoon). This was my first time taking it (and hopefully only). I felt really/pretty good with 60, somewhat good with 15 and guessed on 5. I finished with about a half hour left both sessions and went back and checked my answers. It will be really bad if I actually didn't pass even though I felt good about everything. This board has been pretty theraputic in away knowing there are others out there going through similar things.

I took the MD depth. As I mentioned before, this was my third attempt and I studied my ass off for all three (maybe 900 hours total). I have missed it with a 65 and then a 68. I was even better organized for this attempt. So how did I do? Put it this way, not as well as I wanted. For me the morning was more difficult than the afternoon. For me it is really just a time issue and not a technical issue as I know how to work the problems it just takes me longer than some I guess. I could have used another hour in both the morning and afternoon. I did finish but just barley and did not have time to review or check my work. To be honest it could go either way.

Don't worry you will did ok. I think the MD is harder than TF but I belived they will lower the cut score for the afternoon MD section. Plus I haven't heard any people who talk about the TF (But I do hear about the HVAC afternoon......

One question does HVAC, MD and TF use the same cut score?

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I took fluid and thermal afternoon. Overall I feel so sad what I did in the exam, I think I will be fail if the cut score is 56. In the beginning of Morning section I could not concentrate on the problems even simple questions.

I think it may be around 20 correct and rest of may be 50-50 in the morning. It may be 20-21 correct for the afternoon, 10 may be 50 -50, and 9 all guessed (run out of time). For both sections I did not have time to check the answer, this scared me since it was so easy to make a mistake.

This is my first pe exam, I even don’t have courage to take pe again if I don’t make this time.


I took fluid and thermal afternoon. Overall I feel so sad what I did in the exam, I think I will be fail if the cut score is 56. In the beginning of Morning section I could not concentrate on the problems even simple questions.
I think it may be around 20 correct and rest of may be 50-50 in the morning. It may be 20-21 correct for the afternoon, 10 may be 50 -50, and 9 all guessed (run out of time). For both sections I did not have time to check the answer, this scared me since it was so easy to make a mistake.

This is my first pe exam, I even don’t have courage to take pe again if I don’t make this time.

I bet you did ok...I was hoping you passed!

Thank you very much JV.

I got steam table book last Monday, it was very helpful to have it for the exam!!

Even though this is my first post I've been looking around for a while. I thought I did very well on the test (T&F afternoon). This was my first time taking it (and hopefully only). I felt really/pretty good with 60, somewhat good with 15 and guessed on 5. I finished with about a half hour left both sessions and went back and checked my answers. It will be really bad if I actually didn't pass even though I felt good about everything. This board has been pretty theraputic in away knowing there are others out there going through similar things.

We were wondering if you were ever going to post or just stay stealth :D


Thank you very much. You will pass the PE exam.

I only score 48 to 50% on the right answers (base on my calculation compare to the choices). The 25% is 50-50 and the rest is just guess the answer.

Some of the queston is ok and similar to the NCEEs test. But some of the questons is based on the experiences.

I took MD for the afternoon and got off to a real quick start, but then hit that middle 15-question string someone else talked about and had troubles. There were a couple of obscure questions that I got by knowing what all was in the MERM. The morning was tougher than I imagined it would be. Shigley helped, but I used MERM the most.

I had started an equation string for every problem, but I had to guess on more than I would have liked to. Right now, my references still sit in my backpack in the corner of one of the rooms in my house. I'll probably open the MERM this weekend and kick myself in the ass.

If I had to guess right now, I will be retaking it in April.

Several people are talking about how difficult the morning was. I thought it was kinda easy. I only guessed on 4 and had 3 educated guesses and I'm sure I made a few other mistakes but I felt very good on 33 of them...although after a few mistakes are included my score for the morning was probably around a 28. With that said, I thought it was the same level of difficulty as the 2008 NCEES sample exam. I didn't think it was bad at all.

The HVAC afternoon was pretty tough I thought. It was different than the specs...didn't have some things on it that I was counting on being there and did have some unexpected things on it...the afternoon is where I blew up.


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Several people are talking about how difficult the morning was. I thought it was kinda easy. I only guessed on 4 and had 3 educated guesses and I'm sure I made a few other mistakes but I felt very good on 33 of them...although after a few mistakes are included my score for the morning was probably around a 28. With that said, I thought it was the same level of difficulty as the 2008 NCEES sample exam. I didn't think it was bad at all.
The HVAC afternoon was pretty tough I thought. It was different than the specs...didn't have some things on it that I was counting on being there and did have some unexpected things on it...the afternoon is where I blew up.


I think the different test version have the different degree of difficulty and they might have to grade differently. (I only assuming)

For the morning I think I did a little bit better than the afternoon. For some of my friend saying that he did better in the afternoon than the morning. Overall it should be the same because the morning and afternoon is 1 point per question (unlike the FE that if you did better in the afternoon that you have highly chance to pass)

I spent 6 months to study MERM, doing 7 samples and 1 Lindbegurg problems book. I used half of my work hour to study and used the Sat. to study in the Lib. for 1.5 month. The last 2 week I study at work, home, and weekend in cluding Sun. The reason I did that is because I fail once in the FE and I know how hard it is to go through again. I just wanna make sure I don't do it again.


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After the first attempt I figured I got close to 65 and I got a 65 for the second attempt I thought I got closer to a 70 and got a 68. In reality after looking at the actual results from the NCEES (diognostic) I did not do as well as I thought but my score was close to what I thought I would get, meaning the cut score is definitely a factor. I am not sure this time around how I did but I do know I should have done better. I feel good on my level of preparation and I was not lost on any one problem as I I knew how to approach it but I was always worried about time which affected my performance.

If I need to do this again I know what I need to focus on. I have decided to keep studying but maybe a just a few hours a week until I get the score.

After the first attempt I figured I got close to 65 and I got a 65 for the second attempt I thought I got closer to a 70 and got a 68. In reality after looking at the actual results from the NCEES (diognostic) I did not do as well as I thought but my score was close to what I thought I would get, meaning the cut score is definitely a factor. I am not sure this time around how I did but I do know I should have done better. I feel good on my level of preparation and I was not lost on any one problem as I I knew how to approach it but I was always worried about time which affected my performance.
If I need to do this again I know what I need to focus on. I have decided to keep studying but maybe a just a few hours a week until I get the score.
I think I heard from my coworker saying that he took PE exam 10 or 15 years ago in the old format (4 * 10 in the morning and 4 * 10 in the afternoon). The NCEEs add 22 points on everybody. If you score 48 ponits + 22 = 70 and it is equal to percentage you will pass.

So if you score 50% + 22 = 62% and you will fail the exam.

"that is in the old format and they might changed now"

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After the first attempt I figured I got close to 65 and I got a 65 for the second attempt I thought I got closer to a 70 and got a 68. In reality after looking at the actual results from the NCEES (diognostic) I did not do as well as I thought but my score was close to what I thought I would get, meaning the cut score is definitely a factor. I am not sure this time around how I did but I do know I should have done better. I feel good on my level of preparation and I was not lost on any one problem as I I knew how to approach it but I was always worried about time which affected my performance.
If I need to do this again I know what I need to focus on. I have decided to keep studying but maybe a just a few hours a week until I get the score.
I am going to crack things open on the weekends or a slow weeknight as well, just to stay in practice. I also share your "i don't know how to feel about it" sentiment. The ones I had to guess on, I still had some idea what was going on, but just couldn't come down to an answer. Time was also a factor, I have to say.

I tried to analyze how I felt after the test was done and couldn't even force myself to feel good or bad. I was kinda "meh, could go either way with this one". But like you said, I know already what I need to study should the time come again.

Yeah, I'm also going to keep studying a little. I also knew how to go about solving every problem but the ones I guessed on, I just couldn't come up with an answer that matched an answer that they had.

I feel like I know how to solve about every problem...I just need to get sharper and quicker.

The other frustrating thing is when they don't give you the info you need and you have to go look for some wild ass value in a reference (ie. ASHRAE) and you can't find the value you need to plug into an equation to get the answer. This is real frustrating when you know how to solve the problem but can't because you can't find some wild value in a reference. They should give you the info so you're being tested on how to apply the given info instead of testing you ability to find some value in a reference within 6 minutes.


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