Limited Time and Looking for Study Advice!

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Active member
Jan 15, 2011
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I have signed up for the PE Power Exam in April and I intended to do some serious studying and bought the Ga Tech course and the Wildi book along with the PE Power Manual from PPI. However, travelling on business and working on a diffcult project with long days have made finding appropriate time to study for any significant period difficult at best. I would like some constructive direction given the 5 weeks I have left with regards to what may be a strategy for studying moving forward. Please do not deflate what little hope I have left for passing, but I would appreciate some insight from those who may have had to "cram" and came out the other side OK.


Work through as many problem as possible in the 500 worked solution book and get familiar with where the important equations are in the MERM.

Don't worry, if you hit it hard there is still enough time for you to study and pass the test.

Buy the Spin Up and CI practice tests, spend the time going thru one test every day...continue to repeat the tests daily until test day. Write down the reoccuring formulas and make a binder and break it down by section of the formulas and information that you use doing the practice tests, this will save you time during your test so you wont have to jump from book to book...You should be able to get thru the NCEES or CI in about 3-4 hours and get at least 90% correct when your ready to take the exam...The Spin Up tests are easier, but they are a good starting place to get you going in the right direction. Best of Luck!

Thanks for the advice. I thought that just working problems and looking up formulas and such would be my best bet. I have the NCEES proctice exam and the sample questions and solutions books. I am familiar with the spin up tests, but what is the CI tests? Should I order all of these and work them now?

I recommend the Complex Imaginary (CI) tests over the Spin Up exams...they are more difficult, think of questions with about 75-80% of the actual exam, but very good in depth and scope. I know people who hit the NCEES a couple of times and passed no problem, but for most of us, this just isn't enough in my opinion. A lot depends on what you do in your job and having luck in having the test fit into your study/work knowledge base. The test is completely different each time, so what on this test may or may not be on the next...

Chief Engineer - Tell me how you prepared merely using the NCEES exam to review? What was your strategy? I am making the rash assumption you are not too long out of school to be able to focus on one set of exam questions and get through this thing.


6 years out of school

I just worked and re-worked the exam while using a couple of books that were recommended. When I missed problems I would review sections in my book and figure out other ways they could ask the problem.


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