It's Friday!!!!

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whoo hoo it's Friday!!


3 1/2 hrs for me...and I'm leaving early today, too. Got a big fancy dinner thing tonight as a prelude to the tennis tournament I'm playing in tomorrow. Gotta go home and get all dolled up and pretty for tonight!
Where is frecoder these days? Jennifer mentioned getting all dolled up, normally frecoder would be hitting her up for pictures by now!
I'll step in for him...


it=quiet kitty?
No ... this kitty was more like a lion as there was plenty of ROARING! It turned out that instead of me hitting it ... I am the one that got hit. Apparently, I was out with a group of people that love UFC and proceeded to throw in punches and kicks during the course of the night. :eek:hmy:

Between my hangover and bruises .... it is going to be a Saturday of recovery .... :wacko:


I am keeping tabs on my friend's flickr site to see what he ends up posting .... :mellow:

Boo!! You don't have your priorities straight!! :)

Sorry! Tennis all weekend. I was a little short on time after laundry, groceries, studying, lawn mowing. Yes, I'm all has to get done by me or else, it just doesn't get done. On a positive...I won 3 out of 4 matches in the tournament on Saturday. :multiplespotting:

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1 hour, 1 minute for me. Followed by the special hell that is I-95 and I-90 near Boston on a Friday.

And what started as a beautiful day has turned windy and gloomy. Friday is housecleaning night at our house. It if rains, it means I can't take the dog out to tire him out. And if he's feisty it's nearly impossible to clean the place.

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As soon as I leave here, its a quick stop at the grocery store.


Imitation Lucky Charms

3 bottles of diet soda

Some turkey hot dogs and rolls


BBQ sauce

American cheese

Wheat rolls

These $.89 microwave dinner thingies that are actually really good


And a couple of oranges

Can you tell I live alone?

From there, it's onto my couch to watch DVR'd episodes of Frisky Dingo, Lucy - Daughter of the Devil, and Two and a Half Men. If I'm feeling frisky, I might go to the range tomorrow and play with the .45 for an hour or two.

Hell yes, today is Friday.

Tomorrow I'm exploring a gypsum rock mine hoping to find some selenite crystals.

3 1/2 hrs for me...and I'm leaving early today, too. Got a big fancy dinner thing tonight as a prelude to the tennis tournament I'm playing in tomorrow. Gotta go home and get all dolled up and pretty for tonight!
see below :D (love women's tennis)

Where is frecoder these days? Jennifer mentioned getting all dolled up, normally frecoder would be hitting her up for pictures by now!
see below :D

I'll step in for him...
Thanks man. (thinking of women's tennis)

Sorry! Tennis all weekend. I was a little short on time after laundry, groceries, studying, lawn mowing. Yes, I'm all has to get done by me or else, it just doesn't get done. On a positive...I won 3 out of 4 matches in the tournament on Saturday. :multiplespotting:
Did I mention I love women who play tennis Women's tennis?

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As soon as I leave here, its a quick stop at the grocery store.

Imitation Lucky Charms

3 bottles of diet soda

Some turkey hot dogs and rolls


BBQ sauce

American cheese

Wheat rolls

These $.89 microwave dinner thingies that are actually really good


And a couple of oranges

Can you tell I live alone?

From there, it's onto my couch to watch DVR'd episodes of Frisky Dingo, Lucy - Daughter of the Devil, and Two and a Half Men. If I'm feeling frisky, I might go to the range tomorrow and play with the .45 for an hour or two.

I sometimes catch Two and a Half Men reruns a few days in the week. Never watched the current season until it started reruns.

What are Imitation Lucky Charms?


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