I just got jinxed

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ok I'm nerdy, but not quite that nerdy...

I was just kidding.

CE --

I feel your pain. My wife had a huge, elaborate desk-weight name plate made for me just expecting I would pass the test. :true:

Ummm .. it's still sitting in a drawer. Waiting for recognition. :eek:

My dad used to say - don't sweat the small stuff in life. The process for getting this license is small stuff. The responsibility you wield with the license is what counts.

Good luck to all of us. :+1: I hope I can finally pull that desk-weight out of the drawer soon :)



doh! I probably jinxed myself with that joke. :hung:

I've got EI on my cards right now. I hope I have a reason to order some new ones with a different title. :mail:

I used to have both EIT, LSIT on mine but thought it looked like an overachiveing underachiever so I had them take it off, I just leave it blank,,

Ouch - I know how you feel. My name and resume were recently put on a proposal for some USGS research grant money by a University of Guam professor I am working with, and he put 'PE' after my name saying: "oh, you'll pass and nobody will read the proposals until January"

I deleted it before he could send it out. Whew!

My business cards don't list any suffixes after my name. Guess I need to order some more since :w00t: :pass. Sorry if I'm bragging too much :lie: . Good luck to everyone!

well for mine she wrote . "and our son in law Matt is getting his PE License this year"
NCEES called. They intercepted your Mother In Law's Christmas letter and are now revising the list. :"the other board" mole: tough luck! she should have read the agreement :read:

So what if you dream about passing? Does that mean you are too screwed? :ruh:
It did me the first two times......This time, I didn't dream about it at all.....it's yet to be seen if this still holds true!!!! :watch: :wait

So what if you dream about passing? Does that mean you are too screwed? :ruh:
It did me the first two times......This time, I didn't dream about it at all.....it's yet to be seen if this still holds true!!!! :watch: :wait
when I took it before, I did have a dream about passing..... :( . Last week, I had another passing dream...But it was more like me walking around the office with my results in my hand showing it off to everyone.... I think the point of that dream is not that I passed, but that I was a complete ass :read:

I think the point of that dream is not that I passed, but that I was a complete ass 
:lmao: Those are the best. You wake up feeling a little humbled.
