Game of Thrones ! (HBO Mini Series) Spoilers......

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so do Jon Snow and the guy that hated him (who became the new 1st Ranger) become best buddies? The part when they beheaded the bald fat guy was nice!

also I think they need to show Sam loosing some weight, aint no overeating on the wall!

So the last couple episodes seem to focus on finding a stark family member to lead the north. Are both stark boys still alive or only bran?

I believe the second Stark boy is still alive and headed somewhere with the other wildling girl.

I'm really wondering if John Snow was not actually a Stark. From the conversations that took place and the attraction to him by Baratheon's always-naked fire chick, I'm wondering if he wasn't actually a Targaryean and Ned Stark was really just covering for him?
I believe the second Stark boy is still alive and headed somewhere with the other wildling girl.

I'm really wondering if John Snow was not actually a Stark. From the conversations that took place and the attraction to him by Baratheon's always-naked fire chick, I'm wondering if he wasn't actually a Targaryean and Ned Stark was really just covering for him?

Trying to remember...the Stark boys who were left behind in Winterfell, are they both still together? I know where the peeping tom ended up, but I can't remember if the other brother was still with him.

Re: Spoiler, I noticed the interest and was wondering about that myself.

It's funny. Mom got me the season 1 box for Christmas, but since I ended up catching on all 4 seasons on PT, the GF took it and watched the whole season in about 3 days. When she was here this weekend she wanted to start watching season 2. Interesting to go back and watch the old ones after knowing where/how a lot of the people are going to end up.

BTW, mom tried to go to her little local library, little as in everyone in town knows everyone else, to check out season 2 and they told her they didn't have it because it's porn. They could go on the statewide database and get it there but it'd show up in a plain brown wrapper.

I thought Bran ended up heading beyond the wall, and the other brother and Osha headed elsewhere, but can't remember where to.

that's what I recall also.. maybe they don't want to revive that yet?

I started finishing book 2 over the weekend, actually makes it a little more confusing at this point to be honest!

I read somewhere that Bran & Hodor wouldn't be in the TV show this season. Maybe next though. That was turning into a weird story line anyway.

I think the younger brother did go with Osha and her whereabouts are unknown at this time.

Yeah, I was half expecting Bilbo Baggins or Harry Potter to pop in when they were in their little under tree fort.

There are rumors going around that Jon Snow isn't Ned Stark's at all. One of the popular theories going around is that he's the result of a Targaryen and Stark's dead sister making him some kind of uber-king. On her deathbed, she made Ned promise to take care of him. Would also help explain why the red lady is so busy dry humping Jon all the time.
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Yeah, I was half expecting Bilbo Baggins or Harry Potter to pop in when they were in their little under tree fort.

There are rumors going around that Jon Snow isn't Ned Stark's at all. One of the popular theories going around is that he's the result of a Targaryen and Stark's dead sister making him some kind of uber-king. On her deathbed, she made Ned promise to take care of him. Would also help explain why the red lady is so busy dry humping Jon all the time.

This is essentially what I was alluding to above. Lyanna (sp?) was supposedly kidnapped/raped/etc by Targaryen after she was arranged to marry Baratheon, but I'm wondering if they didn't have a thing going, and Ned was just covering for his sister. Especially when whatsisface was talking to Danerys about what a sweetheart Targaryen was. Either he was completely full of shit, or that doesn't sound like a kidnap/rapey kind of guy.
And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I feel that it is her god-given right to do just that.

Im guessing Jorah Mormont dies in an upcoming book...looks like he will die in the show getting greyscale.

They just look like rocks, not actually made of rock.

Rickon (the littlest Stark boy) disappeared with the wildling girl just like in the book, and no mention has been made of what happened to them since they separated from Bran. Bran is already "caught up" with his storyline in the books, so anything they show for him would be completely new to anyone familiar with the story.

What I remember from the books, this season is definitely diverging. It seems the overall storyline remains, but some serious details are missing/changed.

Major differences I've seen so far with this season:

Barristan Selmy hasn't died in the book.

Tyrion actually travels to see Dany while escorted by another long-lost Targarian cousin who is supposed to be presented to Dany as a suitor (remember Targarians marry family to keep bloodlines "pure")

Jamie Lannister & Bronn definitely do not travel to Dorne

The entire Iron Islands story is missing. Remember Reeks sister, Asha?

I want to see more of Arya's story on how she is continuing her assassin training

Sansa is supposed to still be in Eerie, while Jenny (an un-revealed character in the show who is actually one of Sansa's hand maidens in the book) is supposed to be Bolton's wife while pretending to be Arya.

Upcoming storyline questions

I wonder when/if Brienne is going to run into Zombie Caitlyn Stark.
What I remember from the books, this season is definitely diverging. It seems the overall storyline remains, but some serious details are missing/changed.

I haven't read the books, but from what I hear, that's the plan. Is the show getting to the point that it has caught up to the books now? I've heard the show is supposed to start going away from the books a bit more and, since the books aren't done yet, HBO got enough of the plot line to finish up the show on their own. So it sounds like that'll be the way it goes from here, i.e. follow the basic storyline from the books, but HBO is going to kind of do their own thing.

From what I've seen on the show's goals for this season, they are supposed to finish up with the handful of remaining chapters with this season. The original hope was to have book 6 out in time to start filming the next season, but Martin decided to continue spending more time on his little side projects instead of continuing on.
