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Congrats Katie! I was induced with my first one due to BP and it is no fun, but glad everyone is doing well. Really hoping to not go that route this time. Enjoy your time with her. It is definitely hard to leave them when you go back to work. We have a great daycare but I balled the first day I left my son. He is 3 now and loves it, but that still doesn't change the fact that it is hard.

Luke was born on September 30th - the only problem is that was 8 weeks early. On the 29th, my wife said she hadn't felt him moving much after about noon and was starting to get worried. In the morning, she was REALLY worried and went to the hospital. I took our other kid to school and met her at the hospital. The were getting ready for an ultrasound because, although there was a heartbeat, there was no variations that they look for in the non-stress tests. This ultrasound was a very BIG non-stress test basically. 30 minutes pass and the tech leaves and shortly thereafter the doctor comes in and says we are going to take this baby out right now. Long story short, emergency c-section for my wife, baby in the NICU for me and a 3 year old at home. It's been a rough month so far! Luke was 2 lbs, 10 oz at birth - as of last night he was up to 3 lbs 7 oz with only one set back so far that was over this weekend. Almost all the steps are in the right direction, but they are tiny steps!

I was scheduled to take the SE2 in a few weeks, but that ain't happening for sure. I've got letters in to NCEES and to my local board looking for my money back. Hopefully I hear from them soon.

My wedding ring is in both of these pictures.

Here's Luke at birth:


Here he is as of last night:


Still has a long way to go in the NICU. Any prayers, nice thoughts, (insert whatever you do here) would always be appreciated.

Structural Poke:

fingers crossd and prayers sent that you can take him home in the very near future. He looks much stronger in the recent pic. He'll be terrorizing his older sibling in no time. I hope your wife made it through the surgery well. Sincere best wishes for you, the mrs., and your family for a full recovery for all.

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