Exam Expenses

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Well, my check was the same as it was last time. I am really irritated :angry: .
To make a long story short, about 20 months ago I moved from a much bigger market to be closer to home, which is a much smaller market. I took about a $15K pay cut. I was promised that if I proved myself, and got my professional license, then I would be compensated. Well, 20 months have gone by, I still make the same, which by the way is in the 1Q according to CE news, and I have largest workload in the office, and have passed the PE. Normally, I am not one to complain about salaries, and I hate those kind of people, but for Christ's sake I make low 40's. That wouldn't be an issue but my wife has had some very serious health issues and the medical bills have been killing us. Sorry just venting.

Today may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. :brickwall:
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Well, my check was the same as it was last time. I am really irritated :angry: .
To make a long story short, about 20 months ago I moved from a much bigger market to be closer to home, which is a much smaller market. I took about a $15K pay cut. I was promised that if I proved myself, and got my professional license, then I would be compensated. Well, 20 months have gone by, I still make the same, which by the way is in the 1Q according to CE news, and I have largest workload in the office, and have passed the PE. Normally, I am not one to complain about salaries, and I hate those kind of people, but for Christ's sake I make low 40's. That wouldn't be an issue but my wife has had some very serious health issues and the medical bills have been killing us. Sorry just venting.

Today may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. :brickwall:
Sorry, computer was sluggish and I quadruplel posted.

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Well, my check was the same as it was last time. I am really irritated :angry: .
To make a long story short, about 20 months ago I moved from a much bigger market to be closer to home, which is a much smaller market. I took about a $15K pay cut. I was promised that if I proved myself, and got my professional license, then I would be compensated. Well, 20 months have gone by, I still make the same, which by the way is in the 1Q according to CE news, and I have largest workload in the office, and have passed the PE. Normally, I am not one to complain about salaries, and I hate those kind of people, but for Christ's sake I make low 40's. That wouldn't be an issue but my wife has had some very serious health issues and the medical bills have been killing us. Sorry just venting.

Today may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. :brickwall:
Keep in mind that sometimes the HR department needs 1 to 2 pay periods before increasing salary. I don't know what your company is like, but I was told it could take about 6 weeks!

I work for a civil and environmental engineering consulting firm.

My company reimbursed me for the state licensing fee ($40), exam fee ($220), all my books ($380), and gave me the day off with pay to take the exam. They will also pay for recurring license fees and stamps (up to two states), as well as one professional membership.

They would have paid for a review course, but I didn't take one.

I also get an automatic $1,000 pay raise for passing the exam, plus I am due for a promotion.

I must say my company was really good about exam related expenses. They reimbursed me close to $1,000 for the Structural II exam, mileage, hotel, and new code books. Plus I was paid for the time off. I was going to eat the cost of gas and hotel for travelling, but they insisted. I am just glad I passed, because I would have felt uncomfortable with asking for money to retake it.

My company paid for almost everything. They paid my exam fee, for my review class and also for some books I bought. For the books they have a limit but I did not reach it.

Once I passed they paid for my application to the FBPE. I take my hat off for them in that aspect. They encourage you to take it and pass it but that is it. For them the license is a "nice to have" and does not carry extra value. No promotion, no salary increase, nothing else. That is it.

Talking only about positives they also offer a 2k incentive for passing the test.

It is a pretty good deal, the only flaw is the salary thing.

Well, So far I've got couple of lunches and a cake thats it. The cake was good though!

Well, So far I've got couple of lunches and a cake thats it. The cake was good though!
I said before that my company did NOTHING. But, 2 of the lowest paid office workers we have brought in breakfast and cake and flowers and balloon to celebrate/recognize me. That was really cool. I'll miss THEM when I leave.

My boss said he'd paid for the test first time, but if I failed I'd have to pay. However, I paid for the application, test and my stamp. I just didn't want anyone being able to say they paid for this or paid for that regarding my license. Kind of weird I know, but I wanted to do it myself.


They did give me time at work to study for the exam, though... Or rather, looked the other way when I took time at work to study! But then, my PE license can only help, so it's in my boss's best interests that I pass, and since I get paid the same salary regardless of what I sit here and do, it was a 0-cost option for them. So, besides that, a loose-leaf binder and some paper & toner, I footed the entire cost of the exam and prep materials out of my own pocket. No raise, either, but I think it will help my promotion potential.

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My company paid for everything except mileage and hotel as long as I passed. I had 3 chances and they would pay for all 3 as long as I passed. If I didn't pass I had to pay for it all. I passed the first attempt. If I asked I probably could have got mileage, but I didn't ask. I also had to take a vacation day on the day of the exam. Since they paid for everything else I didn't worry about the vacation day. They paid for my stamp and also my license fee every year. They would have paid for a review course but I did not take one. They also let me spend about 10% of my time studying at work which helped me a lot. It's a pretty good deal but I don't get a raise for having a PE here because it's not required for what I do. I did get a promotion but I was due for one anyway. The PE didn't hurt though.

My company paid for everything except mileage and hotel as long as I passed. I had 3 chances and they would pay for all 3 as long as I passed. If I didn't pass I had to pay for it all. I passed the first attempt. If I asked I probably could have got mileage, but I didn't ask. I also had to take a vacation day on the day of the exam. Since they paid for everything else I didn't worry about the vacation day. They paid for my stamp and also my license fee every year. They would have paid for a review course but I did not take one. They also let me spend about 10% of my time studying at work which helped me a lot. It's a pretty good deal but I don't get a raise for having a PE here because it's not required for what I do. I did get a promotion but I was due for one anyway. The PE didn't hurt though.
I paid my way through on my own, from the registration fees to the books. Nobody really supported me financially. For some reason my bosses do not find me smart enough or something and do not believe in me. And I am severely underpaid compared to my co-workers. The fact that I bring in the green back to the company does not count much, there is always political thing involved and I come last in salary and benefits - and respect... Well, I've got a foreign accent.

Anyways, I got MS in ME, straigh "A's". I passed both FE and PE, first time. My highly paid co-workers look quite irritated at this point. However, there is nothing, NOTHING, you can beat a hard-earned PE license with! No raise of course. :) But to be honest I am so HAPPY I almost cry all the time.

The only two thing that I got from someone are:

1. One co-worker gave me a book or two on ME, which cut my overall cost

2. My boss paid for the day-off when I was taking Part B/PE. First he refused, but I insisted that this time is work-related, and he paid me for the day

Well, I was unemployed at the time so I paid for it all myself (about $750 total). I did have a lot of time to study though!

It's a little tough coughing up that kind of cash when you're out of work but I think it was worth it. My company still hasn't recognized me (or my coworker who also passed) for passing but I'm not sure they know about it. I've only been there 2 1/2 months and I work out in the field so it's not like I can really push for recognition on it. I'm sure they'll eventually find out and at least say congratulations (I hope).
